[TYPO3-mvc] Repository in CommandController class not working properly

Lorenz Ulrich lorenz-typo3 at visol.ch
Sat Mar 30 01:12:00 CET 2013

Hi Klaus

It works in my CommandControllers.

The corresponding TypoScript is:

module.tx_myext.persistence.storagePid = 8026

Maybe you forgot the tx_ prefix?

Best regards,


Am 19.03.2013 06:34, schrieb Klaus Hörmann:
> I use a CommandController to create a Scheduled Task for importing data.
> The CommandController reads a CSV file, and then imports these to the
> database.
> To remove all the current entries on the database, I tried to use
> $myRepository->deleteAll();
> But this wont work. Also
> $myRepository->findAll();
> doesnt work. It seems to me that all functions needing the "storagePid"
> set dont work, because findByUid($uid) works.
> I configured the CommandController using TypoScript:
> module.my_extension < plugin.my_extension
> I configured the plugin.my_extension with the persistence-storagePid
> node. The frontend works perfectly.
> As I said it seems to me, that the
> module.my_extension.persistence.storagePid ist not properly configured
> in use with the CommandController.
> Can you see the error? Does this work with your extensions?
> Where is my mistake? Do I need to configure anything?
> Thanks
> Klaus

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