[TYPO3-mvc] Newline in XLIFF language files

Thomas Hucke thucke at web.de
Mon Mar 4 19:33:59 CET 2013

Hallo Xavier,

puh - that was absolutely perfect background information. Thank you a lot!
Unfortunately regardless of the spaces and linefeeds in the resulting source 
code the output was still one line.

My analysis brought me to a solution.
I seemed to me that I have to use the html tag <br/> to force linebreaks in 
my output. But obviously the argument htmlEscape="false" did not work.
I figured out that already the parser filtered all html tags in my XLF file.
Found that standard PHPs SimpleXMLElement is used to parse all XML files - a 
shot google search was a heart shot.

My original XLF entry was

   <trans-unit id="fluid.layout.default.anonymousVoting" 
xml:space="preserve" approved="yes">
    <note>Forwarded arguments: None</note>
    <source>Your are an anonymous user.<br/>You may log on to do 
personalized votings<br/>></source>

Now I figured out that I have to put my entry into CDATA section:

   <trans-unit id="fluid.layout.default.anonymousVoting" 
xml:space="preserve" approved="yes">
    <note>Forwarded arguments: None</note>
    <source><![CDATA[Your are an anonymous user.<br/>You may log on to do 
personalized votings<br/>]]></source>

Then using htmlEscape="false" in my template all works as I wanted.
BTW: I´m using Typo3 4.7

Perhaps someone having a similar challenge stumbles upon this description.

Thank you all

"Xavier Perseguers"  schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1362339246.14027.typo3-project-typo3v4mvc at lists.typo3.org...


The Extension Builder does not support it out-of-the-box but the correct
definition of a XLIFF label is:

<trans-unit id="activity_classification.details" xml:space="preserve">



<trans-unit id="activity_classification.details" xml:space="preserve">
<source>The following link shows a table listing national
classifications for which basic information is available:


In 1996, the Swiss Federal Statistical Office released a program (KUBB)
to help users of the General Classification of Economic Activities
(NOGA) to find the codes corresponding to a given economical activity.

By entering keywords into the KUBB program's search tool, users are able
to quickly find the exact NOGA code that corresponds to a given activity.

Link to the KUBB 2008 (free):

This is the correct way of doing it. Here the example is from a _csh
file, did not check with the Fluid translation VH but if it does not
work, it's a bug that should get fixed.

Kind regards

Thomas Hucke wrote:
> Hi list,
> next issue here.
> I need newline in my xlf-files. Tried "<br/>" but this seems to be
> filtered by translate viewhelper.
> Addin htmlEscape="false" doesn´t help there.
> How can I define newlines in my language files?
> Thanks
> Thomas

Xavier Perseguers
Release Manager TYPO3 4.6

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