[TYPO3-mvc] DateOfBirth in a form field

Robert Schneider r.schneider at artworx.at
Tue Jul 31 17:58:44 CEST 2012

I've have found it out by myself after hours. The correct usage in fluid 
(at least in Typ3 4.7.1) is:

<f:form.textfield property="dateOfBirth" 
value="{f:format.date(format:'d.m.Y', date: '{user.dateOfBirth}')}" />

I didn't know, that the value attribute is used. I thought that the use 
of property would ignore the name and the value attribute.

However, the field is not declared in 
Tx_Extbase_Domain_Model_FrontendUser. I don't know why. So I have added 
it to my derived class:

  * Date of birth
  * @var DateTime
protected $dateOfBirth;

* Sets the dateOfBirth
* @param DateTime $dateOfBirth
* @return void
public function setDateOfBirth($dateOfBirth) {
   $this->dateOfBirth = $dateOfBirth;

* Returns the dateOfBirth
* @return DateTime $dateOfBirth
public function getDateOfBirth() {
   return $this->dateOfBirth;

And I have declared it for the TCA in ext_tables.php:

'date_of_birth' => array(
   'exclude' => 0,
   'label' => 
   'config' => array(
     'type' => 'input',
     'size' => 10,
     'eval' => 'date',
     'checkbox' => 0,
     'default' => time()

and extended this:

$TCA['fe_users']['types']['Tx_Psa_PsaUser']['showitem'] .= "date_of_birth";

I hope this helps anyone. At least, I'm so glad that it works now.

This was my help: 


> Hi,
> the date of birth in the fe_users table is a unix timestamp. There is a
> way to show a date with f:format.date in Fluid. However, how can I make
> the field editable in a form? Is this possible with the property
> attribute? Or must I avoid it and do the conversions both manually in
> the controller with php functions (both ways: timestamp to string and
> string to timestamp)?
> Regards,
> Robert

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