[TYPO3-mvc] Howto query the repository from another extension in your own extension

Thomas Meixner tom.meixner at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 16:52:45 CEST 2012

Hello Adrien,

Sorry to respond late but I first had to fix the issue due to time pressure. 
First thanks for your help, debugging the sql statement helped me to find 
the configuration error. 
My problem didn't relate to the PID since I already added it manually. What 
I didn't realize is that the 'news' extension which I extended provided 3 
different types of news which had to be defined in the typoscript setup in 
persistence.Classes . Once I copied the definition the sql query would 
include the type and I got the correct result.

Regarding fixing the issue, I'm not entirly sure how this could be achieved 
since not all part of the typoscript configuration of the original plugin 
are nescessarily useful in your addon extension.

Is there anything besides the persitence configuration which is important to 
the addon extension? Maybe a:

plugin.tx_addon.persitence < plugin.tx_original.persistence

per default could help?


> Basically *extbase does not load configuration from "third party"
> extension*. Thus will not know of the correct PID. To assert that this is
> indeed the case, you can add a var_dump($statement); in function
> buildQuery() in the file

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