[TYPO3-mvc] share arguments with different(!) actions on same page

Peter Niederlag typo3-list at niekom.de
Wed Apr 18 16:22:54 CEST 2012


On 18.04.2012 16:09, Bastian Waidelich wrote:
> Peter Niederlag wrote:
> Hi Peter,
>> I thought maybe I'd go for an extra plugin and use view.pluginNamespace
>> to pull in the arguments but that is failing as it also affects the
>> controller and action...:-<
> That's actually the recommended way as switchablecontrolleractions comes
> with a lot more problems. Also, plugins are really "cheap" in Extbase.
> IMO the only drawback is, that a lot of plugins bloat the insert plugin
> dialog - but that's an issue for the core (grouped plugins, ...)

exactly, however I'd ignore that for now... ;-)

But then, do you have a working example on how to do it?

Given below config how could i access the same argument in both actions
while fencing them into their controller/action boundaries without
lowlevel plumbing? Using view.pluginNamespace I end with "controller not
allowed" which even kind of makes sense...

		'Publication' => 'list, show',		
	// non-cacheable actions
		'Publication' => 'list',

		'Publicationcontact' => 'show',
	// non-cacheable actions
		'Publicationcontact' => '',

I guess the use case: two "independant" instances that share arguments
but reside in different slots is quite common.

Thx and Greets
Peter Niederlag
http://www.niekom.de * TYPO3 & EDV Dienstleistungen *

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