[TYPO3-mvc] extending news

Stefano Cecere scecere at krur.com
Mon Nov 14 19:28:02 CET 2011


sorry for the (perhaps) stupid question... (i write here redirected from  
the tt-news newsgroup)
but what's the best practice way to extend an ExtBase (news, in this case)  
with new/own fields?

with tt_news it was quite easy (with an hook)

i already managed to extend the fe_user table/model, to be used within an  
extension of mine

but what if i just want to "inject" some new fields in the news model, and  
then call them via the fluid template, still using original and already  
installed news plugins ?

have i just to configure with the typoscript mapping or is it more complex?

thank you for any info (the extbase book has still that model/mapping part  
in german only :)

____    ___   __  _ ______________________

   Stefano Cecere
   Krur multimedia studio

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