[TYPO3-mvc] fluid_css

Kay Strobach typo3 at kay-strobach.de
Fri Nov 11 12:34:54 CET 2011

Hi guys,

i will release fluid_css in the next hours, while there are still some
ViewHelpers missing.

Using this extension you can create css dynamically similar to less (and
based on it) - but with pure fluid ;) and all the power of fluid.

So this Extension is a collection of ViewHelpers to modify colors
(darken, lighten, ...).

Additionally it contains functions for css compression and moving the
css to an temporary file or inline in the document head.


{namespace fcss = Tx_FluidCss_ViewHelpers}
  <fcss:RemoveWhitespace compress="0">
    a, a:active, a:visited {
      color: <fcss:CssModify.Darken color="{main-color}" delta="20%" />;

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