[TYPO3-mvc] Simple ajax widget to update an object property

Ulrich Fischer ulrich-fischer at gmx.net
Wed Nov 9 14:15:19 CET 2011

Hi Pankaj Lele,

Pankaj Lele schrieb am 08.11.2011 22:29:
> You will need a WidgetController who will handle the widget action.

I have allready written the WidgetViewhelper and the WidgetController.

> E.g. have a look at the AutoComplete widget
> typo3/sysext/fluid/Classes/ViewHelpers/Widget/Controller/AutocompleteController.php
> and related templates files in
> typo3/sysext/fluid/Resources/Private/Templates/ViewHelpers/Widget/Autocomplete/Index.html

To write my own widget I had a look there before.
But I cannot see, how to tell the UriViewHelper the controller context, what 
widget and what controllerAction should be called?

If I would use a typeNum solution (without a widget), those informations are
part of the uri. So it would be nice to see a widget in an extension.

Best Regards



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