[TYPO3-mvc] PIDless programming problem

Pankaj Lele pankaj at lelesys.com
Mon May 30 10:51:20 CEST 2011

Dear all,

I am developing a quite big extension with Extbase (1.3). I am trying to 
do PIDless programming using the setting plugin.tx_myext.view.defaultPid 
= auto. I chose PIDless approach to not write lot of TS everywhere for 
maintaining page ids for live, stage and test system etc.

Currently I have almost 8 controllers and few actions in each. I simply 
created 8 plugins to host these controller-actions. In plugins I also 
have FlexForm created to override "switchableControllerActions" and add 
combination of Controller->list;Controller->index in a dropdown so that 
i can insert a plugin on a page and select the default action and 
further allowed actions within same plugin.

This setup is working quite nicely.

Now I have a problem, I had already a plugin inserted on page with 
"switchableControllerActions" (set via FlexForm) to "Controller1->list". 
For some another reason I want to put this plugin also on different page 
but I cannot as exception is thrown that the plugin can be inserted only 
on 1 page to use this "auto" feature.

I see following options:
1. Completely drop idea of PIDless programming :(
2. Create more plugins with required controller->action combination
3. Somehow override "Tx_Extbase_Utility_Extension::getTargetPidByPlugin" 
and add FlexForm parsing to see currently selected 
"switchableControllerActions" and use that plugin

I think option 2 will be easy and clean. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!


With best regards,
Pankaj Lele

CTO & Executive Director
Lelesys Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Pune/Goa, India

Web: http://www.lelesys.com

[Certified TYPO3 Integrator]

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