[TYPO3-mvc] TCA view helpers for Fluid?

Peter Niederlag typo3-list at niekom.de
Fri Mar 25 19:55:04 CET 2011

Hi Francois,

Am 16.03.2011 09:44, schrieb François Suter:
> Hi all,
> I couldn't find any certain answer to that question: is there anywhere
> at least the beginning of a development of view helpers that would
> transform TCA information into form fields? I've seen some mentions but
> couldn't find a pointer to an existing extension (or some source code
> repository).

What exactly do you want to achieve? You can map any (TCA) table into a 
Domain-Object[1]. You need to create getters/setters in your model 
class. Then you can just use them like you do use your custom/own models 
within the controller/fluid templates.

Currently there is no approach to "create Model class from TCA" yet afaik.


[1] https://gist.github.com/812499
Peter Niederlag
http://www.niekom.de * TYPO3 & EDV Dienstleistungen *

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