[TYPO3-mvc] Caching problem?

Xavier Perseguers xavier.perseguers at typo3.org
Mon Mar 21 19:00:42 CET 2011


I'm encountering some weird problem and before investigating too much, 
I'd like to know whether somebody had this before...

I have something like that:

  |-- website1
  |    `-- mountpoint
  |-- website2
  |    `-- mountpoint
  `-- share
       `-- some page

mountpoint pages mount "share".

On "some page", I have a plugin which takes as parameter the website id 
(as TS). In short I have two constants like

lib.myplugin.website = website1

or website2 and I use that constant in the setup to instantiate my plugin.

My plugin has three methods, index, edit and update. Edit and update are 

When I go to website1, I see index of myplugin, can use edit and update. 
If I go to website2, I see nothing, the plugin seems not to be rendered 
at all!

If I put no_cache for the _page_, then both index actions for website1 
and website2 are shown properly but edit/update do not work anymore.

If I put "index" as non-cached too but remove no_cache for the page, it 
does not help either, same behavior as earlier, works on website1, not 
on website2.

Any idea?

Xavier Perseguers
Release Manager TYPO3 4.6

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