[TYPO3-mvc] Extbase 1.3.0: CLI Importer setPid() not working properly

Cornelius Illi cornelius.illi at hintertuer.net
Thu Mar 17 04:55:58 CET 2011


Found it out myself!! The PID-Field needs to be set in the ColumnMap,
therefore needs an entry in the TCA-Konfiguration:

'pid' => Array (  
 'exclude' => 1,
 'label' => 'PID',
 'config' => Array (
  'type' => 'none',

Am 3/16/11 11:02 PM schrieb "Cornelius Illi" unter
<cornelius.illi at hintertuer.net>:

>Hi guys,
>I am currently migrating an extension to Extbase/Fluid.
>In order to migrate the existing data to a new data-model I have written a
>CLI-Importer, that needs to set the existing PID.
>Within a CLI-Script the Persistance-Manager needs to be called manually:
>$test = $this->person_repo->findOneByLastname('Illi');
>Output is:
>But Database says:
>| uid | pid | lastname | firstname |
>|   1 |   0 | X        | Y         |
>1 row in set (0.00 sec)
>Any ideas, what is going wrong there. I checked the Backend.php and
>it should set the PID within the update and the second persistAll()-call.
>Being able to set the PID is quite important, as new data is going to be
>imported by a scheduler-task and PID needs to be set dynamically,
>on the values set.
>Thanks for your help!
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