[TYPO3-mvc] use object-data in formhandler

Johannes C. Schulz [EnzephaloN IT-Solutions] info at enzephalon.de
Fri Jul 22 14:02:37 CEST 2011

Hi Sebastian

This solution sounds very good - ] will try it within the next days.

Best regards

Johannes C. Schulz

Von Samsung Mobile gesendet

Sebastian Schreiber <me at schreibersebastian.de> hat geschrieben:

>Hi Johannes,
>i think the easiest way to achieve it, is to use the cObjectViewHelper.
>Pass your object as the data parameter and use the preProcessors 
>settings of the formhandler.
><f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.formhandler" data="{entry}" 
>currentValueKey="title" />
>Your TS
>lib.formhandler < plugin.tx_formhandler_pi1
>lib.formhandler.settings {
>    templateFile = fileadmin/formhandler/template.html
>    preProcessors {
>         1.class = Tx_Formhandler_PreProcessor_LoadDefaultValues
>         1.config {
>            1 {
>                             firstname.defaultValue = TEXT
>                             firstname.defaultValue.field = title // 
>Could be any accesible property of your domain model
>            }
>        }
>    }
>Good luck.
>Am 21.07.2011 20:09, schrieb Johannes C. Schulz [EnzephaloN IT-Solutions]:
>>   Formhandler is extension that followed mailform plus.
>> If I add a formfield to my fluid-template, its outside of the fieldset which is generated by formhandler. So it will not be processed.
>> Any other ideas?
>> Johannes C. Schulz
>> Von Samsung Mobile gesendet
>> Pankaj Lele<pankaj at lelesys.com>  hat geschrieben:
>>> Hello Johannes,
>>>> Now I try to get an onject-data (like item.name) into a
>>>> formhandler-input-field.
>>> Not sure what the formhandler-plugin means. However if you looking for
>>> showing the object inside a form you can try following in the Fluid
>>> template of single view:
>>> <f:form name="myForm" action="someAction" object="{item}">
>>> <f:form.textfield property="name" />
>>> </f:form>
>>> So in place of the line 2 above, you will see a text input with the
>>> value from item.name filled in.
>>> Hope that helps.
>>> -- 
>>> With best regards,
>>> Pankaj Lele
>>> ---------------------------
>>> CTO&  Executive Director
>>> Lelesys Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
>>> Pune/Goa, India
>>> Web: http://www.lelesys.com
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