[TYPO3-mvc] URGENT CHANGE REQUEST: Dependency Injection Problems with ExtBase 1.3.0RC1

Michael Knoll mimi at kaktusteam.de
Sun Jan 23 16:44:51 CET 2011

Hi folks,

I'm writing this mail to typo3v4mvc as well as to typo3dev. Since TYPO3 
4.5 seems to be a major release, a collegue and I decided to make our 
extension compatible as fast as possible with T3 4.5. The extension is 
based on ExtBase and makes heavily use of "inject" methods to get 
low-coupled classes.

When trying to port the extension to T3 4.5 and its ExtBase version we 
have big problems with ExtBase's DI as the classes using 
"inject"-methods won't work anymore.

As the extension had about one year of development time and some 
productive usage, this is a huge problem for us. We would highly 
appreciate an on/off switch for DI for a given extension, as we had to 
change not only the method-names but almost every class in our project 
(around 350 classes...).

When there are no more changes to ExtBase in T3 4.5 we have a big 
problem. As ExtBase is part of T3 for 2 major releases and programmers 
were asked to use it - in productive extensions also! - you should not 
change a semantic meaning of a method without making this 

It is no problem to work around minor changes but this seems to be a 
huge problem.

It would be great, if we get any kind of solution from you... what about 
a switch to turn of DI for a whole extension?

We will write a second mail with a patch for this.



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