[TYPO3-mvc] RFC #12213: Repository countAll() dosn't honor sys_language_uid

Kevin Ulrich Moschallski km at 3digit.de
Fri Jan 14 17:10:56 CET 2011

On 2011-01-14 16:20:58 +0100, Franz Koch said:

> Hey Kevin,
>> thanks for the information. I already thought that it was for
>> peformance. When using COUNT(*) and sql_num_rows i see no other way than
>> adding a WHERE sys_language_id = x to the query. Do you agree?
> yep - but AFAIK this should already be done in all queries - otherwise 
> the language handling in extbase wouldn't work at all. We need to check 
> what's going wrong in this particular case.

Hi Franz,

as far in can see the there is the language isn't honored when fetching 
the records. The recoreds are later overlayed.

Maybe a method doLanguageAndWorkspaceOverlayForCount() schould be added 
based on doLanguageAndWorkspaceOverlay() but adjusting the statement 
and not overlay the objects. This would add language and workspace 
support for count.

Tell me what you think.


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