[TYPO3-mvc] Backend module layout

Kobbe van Daatselaar KDaatselaar at zigwebsoftware.nl
Fri Oct 29 07:42:17 CEST 2010

Thanks! I already searched the archive but couldn't find the answer.
Thank you for your support.

>>> Franz Koch <typo3.RemoveForMessage at elements-net.de> 28-10-2010
18:53 >>>

> i'm currently programming an extbase extension with a backend
> I've used the Blog example to see how this is done. The thing I'm
> struggling with is the layout.
> I want to use the same layout as the default Typo3 v4 backend. I
> the HTML structure of a `normal` backend module but the default CSS
> not included. How can I include the default backend skin's css to my
> extbase backend module?

AFAIK this already has been asked and answered. Do you mind having a 
look for the answer and report back if you don't find it? I 
unfortunately can't remember the thread title.

But in general, you don't have to mess with copying HTML-Structures - 
there are viewHelpers that generate the basic BE look for your (infobar

at top, etc).

Ah, what the heck - I just grabbed the code of one of my extensions 
having a extbase BE module - there you go:

----- Resources/Private/Backend/Layouts/Default.html ----------
<div class="typo3-fullDoc">
<div id="typo3-docheader">
<div id="typo3-docheader-row1">
<div class="buttonsleft">
<f:render section="iconButtons" />
<div class="buttonsright">
<f:be.buttons.shortcut />
<div id="typo3-docheader-row2">
<div class="docheader-row2-left">
<f:be.buttons.csh />
<f:be.menus.actionMenuItem label="Action 2" 
controller="ControllerA" action="index" />
<f:be.menus.actionMenuItem label="Action 2" 
controller="ControllerB" action="index" />
<div class="docheader-row2-right">
<f:be.pagePath />
<f:be.pageInfo />
<div id="typo3-docbody">
<div id="typo3-inner-docbody">
<f:renderFlashMessages class="tx-extbase-flash-message" />
<f:render section="content" />

kind regards,
Franz Koch
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