[TYPO3-mvc] access control & localization: are they killing the idea of extbase by now?

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Tue Jan 5 10:51:25 CET 2010

Sebastian Kurfürst schrieb:
> Now concerning Access Control:
> This *is* already implemented and well-working in FLOW3 (Andi Förthner
> has done a great job on this), but it uses AOP as a basic building block
> for this functionality (which we don't have in v4). Additionally, the
> approaches are not really 1:1 comparable, so there will be some manual
> work needed during update.

AFAIR this has never been announced differently.

> However, when some of you have a great proposal concerning a nice Access
> Control Implementation in v4, just show it to us :-) (in fact, the old
> pibase-extensions never had access control out of the box...), that
> might be a feature for Extbase 2.0.

Yep. So no real problem, just a minor disappointment.

> Concerning Localization of content / plugins:
> Basically the same applies here what I said about access control, only
> that it is clear *how* Extbase should support it (because everything is
> there in the backend already) - so I see this only as a missing feature.

What exactly isn't working? I haven't touched this area yet. But as v4 offers already a feature rich
localization a lack in ExtBase is a major disappointment. Multi-langage sites are really common. I'm
looking forward to ExtBase 1.1 :)


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