[TYPO3-mvc] How to access TS config options and some other questions

Susanne Moog typo3 at susannemoog.de
Wed May 20 17:00:50 CEST 2009

Hey everyone,

I don't know if I should bother you with my questions or should just
wait for the manual, but I thought I can at least try asking.

1.) I traverse some addresses in my template and want to have them
sorted. Should I sort the object before I assign it to the template (in
the Repository or the controller or...) or do I do that stuff in the
template? [or shall I use findWhere() with lots of empty variables and
an orderBy?]

$this->view->assign('addresses', $this->addressRepository->findAll());

<f:for each="{addresses}" as="address">

2.) I want to have some TS config options to set a limit or overwrite
one of the templates. Can you point me to a function to use for that or
to some magic that does it for me?

3.) Is there a method to add custom stylesheets or do I use
$GLOBALS['TSFE'] like before?

That's all for now. As you can see I'm pretty new to the whole concept,
so bear with me please :-)



Susanne Moog
NEUSTA GmbH - www.neusta.de

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