[TYPO3-mvc] blog_example - caching issues?

Andreas Rieser A.Rieser at T3site.com
Wed May 20 12:29:02 CEST 2009

Am 20.05.2009 um 11:30 schrieb Steffen Kamper:
> There are 2 arrays for the actions which are cached and which are  
> uncached, your
> description sounds like all actions were cached.

  * A fully configured omnipotent plugin
	'BlogExample',																	// The name of the extension in  
	'Pi1',																			// A unique name of the plugin in  
	'A Blog Example',																// A title shown in the backend  
dropdown field
	array(																			// An array holding the controller-action- 
combinations that are accessible
		'Blog' =>  
'index,show,new,create,delete,deleteAll,edit,update,populate',	// The  
first controller and its first action will be the default
		'Post' => 'index,show,new,create,delete,edit,update',
		'Comment' => 'create',
	array(																			// An array of non-cachable controller- 
action-combinations (they must already be enabled)
		'Blog' => 'delete,deleteAll,edit,update,populate',
		'Post' => 'show,delete,edit,update',
		'Comment' => 'create',

That's from the current registration. With the experience that  
editing a blog the second time where the form presents the blog in  
it's very first version I asume that this does not work at all - at  
least not in my installation.
And there is a second problem: If I edit a blog, the cache for the  
blog:index and for one of the blog:show things has to be cleared. I  
don't see any way to achieve this with the current registration.

Just an idea: there could be something like a third array where you  
can define caching dependencies.
There should be a way to express that if I edit a blog, the caches  
for blog:show for the current blog and the blog:index should be cleared.

	array(																			// An array with cache-dependencies
		'Blog' => array( 								
			'update' => 'blog:index, blog:show[current]',										// touching  
the update action leads to clearing the caches for blog:index and for  
blog:show, but only for the current blog

kind regards,

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