[TYPO3-mvc] viewhelpers: stripHTML & removeXSS - what should be tested?

Helmut Hummel typo3 at jhpc.de
Wed May 20 09:32:23 CEST 2009


Andreas Rieser schrieb:
> Is it sufficient to take example strings, pass them to the functions and 
> assert that the result is correct?
> I mean something really basic like:
> stripHTML: "<h1>Test</h1>" ->  "Test"
> removeXSS: "<h1>Test<script>alert('XSS vulnerability!)</script></h1>" -> 
> "<h1>Test</h1>"
> Or should testing go into details - if yes, how far does this make sense?

Aren't there testcases for removeXSS already? I think Steffen Kamper did 
something about this?

Anyway, the view helper should call the t3lib_div function so the test 
belongs there, not into fluid.

Regards Helmut

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