[TYPO3-shop] Minimum reseller quantity

Simon Justesen simon at FJERNDETTEsimm.dk
Thu Jan 29 12:11:05 CET 2009

Hi people :)

I'm trying to implement a minimum order quantity for resellers.
But I'm a bit unsure how to approach this, as I'm not 100% familiar with 
the MVC like pattern and the tt_products code yet, so I was hoping you 
could give me some advice.

When a reseller is logged in, my shop defaults to reseller prices, but I 
want to display a message when a reseller tries to put a certain 
quantity in the basket, which is below the minimum threshold. I've made 
an additional entry in the $TCA so that the user can input a minimum on 
a per-product basis

I know $itemArray holds the basket items, but I'm unable to figure out, 
how to pass back a message saying something like 'Minimum quantity is 10 
for this product' to listview and basketview

Can you help?

Thank you very much


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