[TYPO3-shop] Pages as categories

Ian Solo ian at webian.it
Mon Sep 17 22:20:25 CEST 2007

I'm using tt_products 2.5.2.
I just searched everywhere for a solution, but I can't find one.

I would like to make a shop using pages as categories with a tree 
structure like this:

         <here i put the product's records>

If I click Sub-category1, the page will shows just the products inserted 
into this page.
Also, when I click over a product, a page with the single view of that 
product is shown without change the tree position.

I did those steps:
1. Install the extension and set pageAsCategory=2
2. Create a page structure as above
3. Insert into page Category1 a tt_product's Plugin with CODE=LIST
4. Create some records in page Category1 and page Category2

But now the page Category1 shows all the products from page Category1 
and page Category2.

Reading the manual i see:
pid_list: The pids from where to fetch categories, products and so on. 
Default is the current page. Accepts multiple pid's separated by comma.

So, if "Default is the current page" I aspect that it works, but it doesn't.

Please, can someone tell me what I need to set to use pages as categories?

Thanks, ian.

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