[TYPO3-ttnews] Current localization issues - tx_news vs. tt_news

Georg Ringer typo3 at ringerge.org
Wed Mar 21 14:41:00 CET 2012


first of all a very important information: EXT:news doesn't do any
handling of languages or versions, this is *all* handled by extbase itself.

Am 21.03.2012 13:50, schrieb Thomas Skierlo:
> So I installed tx_news 1.3.2 and started my first dive into
> fluid/extbase. 

the version from GIT is better and can be considered as stable, just as FYI.

> 1) Entering everything into the RTE form: Default language seems to be
> ok, but all assets are missing in the localized versions. After playing
> around I found an alternative variant. Default and localized text
> version, but assets from DAM only in default language (captions,
> alt-text, titles).

this is one of the problems of extbase, currently see
http://forge.typo3.org/issues/32072 <- with a patch proposal

Extbase currently fetches records with sys_language_uid = 0,-1 and does
an overlay with the current language.

> Nothing
> happened in the BE after clicking the localization buttons.

this looks like a different core bug.

> Like tt_news, tx_news defines it's own „content element“, as part of the
> Model. For me the question is, why? Wouldn't it be possible to really
> use default content elements (tt_content) within tx_news, getting rid of
> all the MVC/Extbase/DAM/RTE issues and discussions?

I never liked the approach of real content elements inside news records
as it gives in my opinion far too much freedom to the editor. I still
plan to improve the content element behaviour in the backend, e.g. extra
tab for the content elements.

> Reducing the model
> to the pure management of a teaser, special, news related data (archive
> settings, top-news) and keeping track of tt_content records, which form
> the body of the detail view. It would result in a lightweight news
> system with all the power of the core technology. 

you can of course do that now already by just removing the not needed
fields, either by user/groups or tsconfig which is a very nice & fast
approach for admins (but this is a general feature, not limited or
created by ext:news)

> Probably the reason for the current behaviour is either Extbase, which
> might not be ready for production, 

Extbase is ready for production.

> or DAM 1.x, which was never designed
> for MVC or Fluid. Couldn't all these problems be avoided by
> concentrating on the use of standard content elements instead of own ones?

the only additional field I see is the bodytext, every other one is also
needed, no matter if just using tt_content

> I can either carry on using
> my patched tt_news 3.01 with a version freeze of TYPO3 4.5 or move on to
> a later TYPO3 version and say goodbye to multilingual projects with the
> need of news. Seems like a decision between plague and cholera.

:) IMO using extbase and especially fluid is the far better option.
There are not so many things missing in extbase anymore and if those are
fixed, *every* extbase based extension gets better.

Maybe switching to the mvc list is better as the bugs are not in
ext:news itself?

thanks for still checking out my extension

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