[TYPO3-ttnews] news2 and audio/video

Stephan Bauer stephan_bauer at gmx.de
Fri Mar 18 10:55:06 CET 2011

Hello Georg,

I think it would be better to use the core media element because
now you have to implement the same once again. Also it would be
greate to improve the media element with new features that anyone
could use in any media element.

Also it would be better to have the same player for media and news
elements. This could be achieved with a player extension like the
mediace_flowplayer (which has to be improved).

Also updates for the player could be seperated from news2.



schrieb Georg Ringer:
> Hi,
> Am 09.03.2011 16:08, schrieb Stephan Bauer:
>> I made a test installation of news2 and it looks very promising.
> thanks!
> Be aware that we changed quite few things during the T3CSB, including
> also the fields of the media table.
>> I have a question about the audio/video option. You are including
>> flowplayer into news2.
>> Wouldn't it be possible to use the players with are already included
>> into TYPO3 and using the media ce for that?
> Changing the implementation is very easy (even though the way will
> change too)
>> I know the included video player is not the best but there is a way to
>> use a different player shown here:
>> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=11902 (T3X_mediace_flowplayer.t3x)
> But what is the sense to use something as default which doesn't look
> that promising and can't be styled anyway? Everybody would still look
> for an alterantive and IMO there is nothing there except flowplayer when
> it comes to question of license.
> Still: I will look at its implementation and maybe it is just another
> use case which can be implemented.
> Georg

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