[TYPO3-ttnews] News: Oops, an error occured! - Argument "class" was not registered.

Jordan van Bergen jordanvanbergen at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 16:44:40 CET 2011

Hi Georg,

oh no..... okay...... no time to dive into this as always. 

So I now did the following. Deleted the total SETUP settings:

# ==============================================
# FE-Plugin configuration for EXT:news
# ==============================================
plugin.tx_news {
	view {
		templateRootPath =
		partialRootPath =
		layoutRootPath = {$plugin.tx_news.view.layoutRootPath}
	# Modify the translation
		default {
			read_more = meer >>

	# ====================================
	# Settings available inside Controller and View by accessing
$this->settings or {settings.xyz}
	# ====================================
	settings {
		#Displays a dummy image if the news have no media
		displayDummyIfNoMedia = 0

		# Output format
		format = html

		# general settings
		overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty =

		pidBackAdditionalParams {


		detailPidDetermination = flexform, categories, default
		defaultDetailPid = 81
		dateField = datetime

		cropMaxCharacters = 50
		orderBy = datetime
		orderDirection = desc
		orderByRespectTopNews = 0

		facebookLocale = nl_NL
		googlePlusLocale = nl

		# Interface implemenations
		interfaces {
			media {
				video =

		# --------------
		#  Search
		# --------------
		search {
			fields = teaser,title,bodytext

		# --------------
		#  Detail
		# --------------
		detail {
			# media configuration
			media {
				image {
					# choose the rel tag like
					lightbox =
					maxWidth = 600

				video {
					width = 600
					height = 400

		# --------------
		#  List
		# --------------
		list {
			# media configuration
			media {
				image {
					maxWidth = 100
					maxHeight = 100

			# Paginate configuration.
			paginate {
				itemsPerPage = 10
				insertAbove = TRUE
				insertBelow = TRUE
				lessPages = TRUE
				forcedNumberOfLinks = 5
				pagesBefore = 3
				pagesAfter = 3

			rss {
				channel {
					title =
					description =
					language =
					copyright =
					generator =
					link =

		# --------------
		#  Common
		# --------------
		relatedFiles {
			download {
				labelStdWrap {
					cObject = TEXT

		# Opengraph implementation
		opengraph {
		    site_name = Perfect test site
		    type = article
			admins =
			email =
			phone_number =
			fax_number =
			latitude =
			longitude =
			street-adress =
			locality =
			region =
			postal-code =
			country-name =

# Rendering of content elements in detail view
lib.tx_news.contentElementRendering = RECORDS
lib.tx_news.contentElementRendering {
	tables = tt_content
	source.current = 1
	dontCheckPid = 1

and commented out the following in CONSTANTS:

#plugin.tx_news {
#	view {
#		templateRootPath = fileadmin/templates/news/Templates
#		 # cat=plugin.tx_news/file; type=string; label=Path to
template partials (FE)
#		partialRootPath = fileadmin/templates/news/Partials/
#		 # cat=plugin.tx_news/file; type=string; label=Path to
template layouts (FE)
#		layoutRootPath = fileadmin/templates/news/Layouts/
#	}

at least it's working again. Now I have to find the time to look into
this new 1.3.1 version again and to see if I can make this work again
what I found out myself using v1.0 earlier:

1. User friendly url's using realurl
2. Latest news on EVERY page of the website and by clicking the single
news item but still the latest news besides the single news item.
3. Using my own CSS and Templates

No time for this now and I personally dislike having to dive into this
over and over to see if it keeps on working. Maybe next year.


On Tue, 20 Dec 2011 16:15:57 +0100, Georg Ringer <typo3 at ringerge.org>

>this occurs because in 1.2.0 some properties of viewhelpers got removed.
>Therefore please check your templates + partials for the link viewhelper
>and the property class which is no not available any more.

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