[TYPO3-ttnews] better cache management for tt_news

Krystian Szymukowicz t33kRE.MO.VE. at RE.MO.VE.prolabium.com
Tue May 6 20:22:51 CEST 2008

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] wrote:

> Will you be at the T3-Developer Days on this week? If yes, maybe we 
> could discuss those things, because I also have some ideas to get 
> features which would make stuff like this possible in the core (without 
> having to embed tags in cached content and search with "like" in 
> cache_pages!).

Yes you right - 'tags in source' and 'search with "like"' is not a cool 
solution and this was one of the reason to separate ttnewscache from 
ttnewscache_clearlike. I know that it becomes obsolete very soon when 
new solution based on database tags will appears on horizon :)
But for now ttnewscache_clearlike can prove in practice that ttnewscache 
builds proper data ;)

I am happy to hear that you want to integrate a common solution for 
extension cache into core. I know more or less what is your idea from 
wiki: http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/Cache

Unfortunately I can not be at T3-Developer Days, but would like to share 
my experience I gained during developing ttnewscache. So if you have 
somewhere a draft of you idea (more than what is in wiki now) then I'd 
like to read it and propose some clue (if any).


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