[TYPO3-timtab] Did what the manual told me ---> commenting not working

Jordan van Bergen jordanvanbergen at gmail.com
Sun Mar 5 12:45:19 CET 2006

> Anyone knows why commenting isn't working working when you setup the 
> system using the extension manual?

I hope someone is able to answer my question but I already have a 
"workaround" using the following manual:

If I put the following in the SETUP of the template in the (not in menu) 
blog page:

plugin.tx_veguestbook_pi1 {

templateFile = {$page.file.template_ve_guestbook}
limit = 1000

  _LOCAL_LANG.default {
form_firstname = NAAM
form_submit = REACTIE PLAATSEN
form_email = Mail
form_homepage = Website


It's working.

Hopy someone is going to extend the standard timtab extension manual as for 
a lot of people using this manual you won't get the commenting system up and 

Did I miss something in the manual?


Jordan van Bergen 

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