[TYPO3-timtab] Did what the manual told me ---> commenting not working

Jordan van Bergen jordanvanbergen at gmail.com
Sun Mar 5 11:59:15 CET 2006

Hi All,

I did what the timtab extension manual told me to do (started with a clean / 
empty website also):

After setting it up the blogsystem is working but the commenting system 
isn't. I saw an earlier posting on this and the solution was to put:
config.prefixLocalAnchors = all
in your template? I put this in the constants and setup and it doesn't work.
When I click leave a response I always get #response after the URL.

So how to make this commenting system work as this is of course the most 
important part of the timtab blog system. I already use tt_news and 
tx_veguestbook as a commenting system but I want to switch to the more 
enhanced timtab system but commenting just doesn't work for me. This is my 

CSS styled content css_styled_content 0.2.2   System Beta cms
 Modern Guestbook / Commenting system ve_guestbook 1.9.6   Local Stable
News tt_news 2.2.7   Local GL Beta cms
TIMTAB Weblog timtab 0.5.6   Local Beta 
 Dutch language pack csh_nl 1.0.0   Local Alpha

Constants setup:
plugin.tx_timtab_pi2.pidStorePosts = 6
plugin.tx_timtab_pi2.pidStoreComments = 7
plugin.tx_timtab.homepage = http://localhost.timtab.nl
plugin.tx_timtab.blogPid = 2
plugin.tx_timtab.homePid = 1
plugin.tx_timtab.title = Jordan van Bergen
plugin.tx_timtab.tagline = Blogging with TYPO3
plugin.tx_timtab_pi1.pid_list = 8

plugin.tt_news.backPid =  1
plugin.tt_news.pid_list = 6
plugin.tt_news.catSelectorTargetPid = 1

plugin.tx_veguestbook.templateFile = {$page.file.template_ve_guestbook}
plugin.tx_veguestbook.limit = 1000
plugin.tx_veguestbook_pi1.file.templateFile = 
plugin.tx_veguestbook_pi1.limit = 1000

config.prefixLocalAnchors = all

Anyone knows why commenting isn't working working when you setup the system 
using the extension manual?


Jordan van Bergen

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