[TYPO3-Solr] Search-Form Action Sheme

Andreas Thurnheer-Meier andreas at iresults.li
Thu Oct 26 16:57:47 CEST 2017

Thank you for your answer.

It seems to be a general problem with absRefPrefix / Domain-Record not necessarily SOLR-specific.

Once a domain record is created, the domain of this record is prepended to all generated links with http:// (action URL, menu, etc.), and absRefPrefix is totally ignored. Regardless of whether:

config.absRefPrefix = https: //domain.tld
config.absRefPrefix = /
config.absRefPrefix = auto

If I disable the domain record, the links are generated correctly.

The option "Always prepend this domain in links:“ in the domain record is disabled. I also double checked this in the database.

Am 26. Oktober 2017 um 16:45:05, Olivier Dobberkau (olivier.dobberkau at dkd.de) schrieb:

On 26.10.17 11:48, Andreas Thurnheer-Meier wrote:

> - config.absRefPrefix =https://domain.tld

does absRefPrefix = auto change the behaviour for you?

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