[TYPO3-Solr] HTML in indexing fields

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Mon Oct 10 23:08:56 CEST 2016


On 07/10/2016 09:58, Birte Weishaupt wrote:
> when indexing pages I have a field where I store the page path. This works
> fine, except for one thing. The breadcrumbs contain html tags for the links
> and for some reason the entities in the string get encoded. So instead of <a
> href=""> I end up with &lt;a href="" &gt;. I already tried several things to
> get rid of the entity encoding but without success. When I set this up it
> used to work but something must have changed in the meantime.


HTML escaping after retrieval from solr

The data ist now esapced right after the retrieval from Solr. In rare 
cases when you need to store HTML in Solr documents you can use the 
following configuration to mark these fields as trusted fields and skip 
the escaping:

plugin.tx_solr.search.trustedFields = 

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributor

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