[TYPO3-Solr] HTML in indexing fields

Birte Weishaupt birte.weishaupt at uni-bremen.de
Fri Oct 7 09:58:40 CEST 2016



when indexing pages I have a field where I store the page path. This works
fine, except for one thing. The breadcrumbs contain html tags for the links
and for some reason the entities in the string get encoded. So instead of <a
href=""> I end up with &lt;a href="" &gt;. I already tried several things to
get rid of the entity encoding but without success. When I set this up it
used to work but something must have changed in the meantime.


Here is my TS:


lib.solrBreadcrumb = HMENU

lib.solrBreadcrumb {

  special = rootline

  special.range = 0|-1

  includeNotInMenu = 1

  1 = TMENU

  1.noBlur = 1

  1.CUR = 1

  1.target = _self

  1.NO {

    stdWrap.field = title

    linkWrap = ||*|&nbsp;/&nbsp;|*|


  1.CUR {

    stdWrap.field = title

    linkWrap = ||*|&nbsp;/&nbsp;|*|

    doNotLinkIt = 1




plugin.tx_solr {

  index {

    queue {

        pages {

          fields {

                breadcrumb_stringS < lib.solrBreadcrumb





typo3 6.2.27

solr 3.1.2

solrfal 2.1.3

tika 2.0.0


Does anyone have an idea? Thanks a lot :)


Regards, Birte

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