[TYPO3-Solr] sword_list-param in result-links

Gordon Fidora g.fidora at profile-media.de
Mon Oct 13 16:09:17 CEST 2014

Hi there,

I use TYPO3 6.2.5 and the SOLR-Extension 2.8.3.

In my TYPO3-Backend I indexed "pages", "tt_news" and "special_seminars" (from separate extension).

I found out, that all result-links don't work (except pages), until I remove the "sword_list[]"-param.
This behavior doesn't appear, if I am logged on in TYPO3-Backend. Why?

http://xxx.xx/xx.html?sword_list[]=bwl&no_cache=1<http://xxx.xx/xx.html?sword_list%5b%5d=bwl&no_cache=1> (doesn't work)

http://xxx.xx/xx.html?no_cache=1 (works)

Is this a problem, which has to be solved in "realurl.conf", or is there an easy way to modify the result-links?

Best Regards,


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