[TYPO3-Solr] Difference in link creation between pages and other records

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Wed Apr 23 12:29:02 CEST 2014


On 23-4-2014 10:25, Stephan Schuler wrote:
> Pages and records do render differently. The described behavior
> clearly is a bug in either the server configuration (which might
> include TypoScript) or Solr itself. But it is definitively related
> to pages and records initializing the FE environment differently.
> Both, pages and records are fetched in the indexing queue mechanism
> by scheduler tasks.
> If the record to be indexed is a page, the related frontend page
> gets  called by curl (or file_get_contents, depending on server

EXT:solr uses non-speaking URLs here, which is fine, because the page 
content is retrieved correctly.

The problem seems to be more related to the processing needed for other 

> If the record to be indexed is not a page, the scheduler task itself
> creates a TSFE object and some other objects that usually indicate
> frontend behavior.

Maybe the environment created for indexing records is a better 
representation of the actual frontend environment.

> I suggest you to debug either typolink or RealURL. I cannot tell you
> why this happens because my setups do run fine. But I'm quite sure
> it's related to some str_replace with environment data inside of
> typolink.

I think that RealURL can be ruled out. I disabled it and the URLs had 
the same file system path prefixed, just with index.php instead of a 
speaking path.

I'll dig some more in the frontend environment which is created in both 

Thanks for thinking about this issue!

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributor

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