[TYPO3-Solr] tt_news with category single_pid

Stefan Franke stefan.franke at gmx.co.uk
Tue Apr 17 16:35:56 CEST 2012

Great, this works fine!

> until then you can use a PHP function of course

Unfortunately I just found out that I indeed have to solve the issue with a PHP function as not all of my categories have the single_pid set. 

Sadly, I cannot get this to work :/

class user_SolrNewsDetailUid {
	function getSinglePid($content='', $conf=array()) {
		return "123";

[Solr setup]
includeLibs.script_indexqueue = fileadmin/templates/php/user_solrnewsdetailuid.php

plugin.tx_solr.index.queue.tt_news.fields.url.typolink = USER
plugin.tx_solr.index.queue.tt_news.fields.url.typolink.userFunc = script_indexqueue->getSinglePid

This doesn't work - the URL stays empty. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?


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