[TYPO3-project-seminars] category list without table

Pat pizpat at gmx.de
Wed Jul 23 13:34:21 CEST 2008

Hi Oliver,

thanks a lot! I didn't see the subpart quite thereunder. 

A list is a lot easier than a table ;)

<!-- ###VIEW_CATEGORIES### -->
<!-- ###VIEW_CATEGORIES### -->


Kind regards

> Pat schrieb:
> > the marker ###ALL_CATEGORY_ITEMS### includes HTML-table-tags. But a
> > table with only one th-headline makes no sense. As a list it could be
> > designed by CSS and would be accessible. How can I format the
> > category list as a list? Is there a marker that could be used for
> > this?
> You can use the following subpart in the pi1 template for the individual 
> elements (as you've already found the subpart for the whole category
> table):
> <!-- ###SINGLE_CATEGORY_ITEM### -->
>        <tr>
>          <td###CLASS_CATEGORY_ITEM###>
>            ###CATEGORY_TITLE###
>          </td>
>        </tr>
> <!-- ###SINGLE_CATEGORY_ITEM### -->
> By the way, I too think that a list would be good idea. Would you be 
> willing to share your HTML for the category list so we can integrate it 
> into the 0.7.0 template?

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Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger

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