[TYPO3-project-seminars] further question to seminars

Florian Elischer Starlort at gmx.net
Fri Feb 8 12:42:28 CET 2008


I have couple of other questions concerning seminars:

1. Where can I change the order of the search field? The search is
wrapped in a div with the class "tx-seminars-pi1-searchbox". I
downloaded the whole ext. and searched for it but without success.
I'd rather like to have the search func above the listview as it's
better for the usability.

2. Regarding the manual I'm only able to show seminars selected by
speakers. Is it possible to conifg the seminars_plugin also to show
only certain event types or do I have to put them in different sub
folders? According to this selection it would be also a great 
feature to add classes for different event types so I have highlight
them with different colors in the list view.

3. Where can I change the appearance of the payment method? It would
be useful also to show the details for each method (bank data) and
I'd like to change html code as the label tag should be wrapping the
input field (<label><input.../></label>). Right now the label is
attached under the input and I'm not able to put the name just 
behind the radio field.

Thanks indeed
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