[TYPO3-rte] soft returns are deleted when saving

Wolfgang Maschke wm at wolfgang-m.de
Tue Jan 27 14:55:12 CET 2015

Hi Stanislas,

thx for your help. That was the right direction.
bootstrap_package needed a little help in its RTE options:

#### RTE BASICS                             ####
RTE.default {

	// This option doesn't exist in RTE. We use it to copy the value into the corresponding properties
	allowedTags (
		b, strong, i, em, u, strike, del, big, small, sub, sup, ol, ul, li, a, link,
		p, pre, h1, h2, h3, h4, hr, span, br,
		table, tr, th, td, thead, tbody, tfoot

It was just adding br to this and now it works.


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