[TYPO3-RTE] RTE - XHTML link without target but rel

Daniel Huf dhuf at cross-systems.com
Thu Mar 5 16:45:14 CET 2009

I need to make a valid WAI (AAA) website, but the links from the 
HTMLAREA don't seem to convert the target="_blank" to rel="external".

Is there a way ?

I'm using:

lib.parseFunc.tags.link.typolink.target >
styles.content.links.extTarget =
styles.content.links.target =
content.pageFrameObj =
styles.content.mailform.target =
styles.content.searchresult.resultTarget =
styles.content.searchresult.target =

config {
    doctype = xhtml_strict
    doctypeSwitch = 0

    xhtmlDoctype = xhtml_strict	
    xmlprologue = none

    xhtml_cleaning = all
[browser = msie] && [version= <7]
    config.doctypeSwitch = 1

And the TSCONFIG for the RTE

RTE.default.proc.HTMLparser_db {
	xhtml_cleaning = 1

even tried :
a.fixAttrib.target.unset = 1
a.allowedAttribs = class, target, id, title

But it didn't work...

Any clue ?

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