[TYPO3-RTE] How is magic images post-processed?

Peter Klein peter at umloud.dk
Mon Oct 27 12:19:26 CET 2008

Im posting this on behalf of Thomas, who currently doesn't have access to 
posting on the newsgroups.




I'm currently struggling with the magic image. If an magic image is inserted 
it's resized to 300px and will stay that way all the time. You can scale it 
up in the TinyMCE but it will just set the with and height according to it 
actually don't rescale the picture (why should it)

but what should happen is that if the actual size of the image is bigger or 
smaller than the one created by the magic image it should be rescaled.
I think it should be done on save. That's how it work in htmlarea... but I 
didn't found out how.

if someone could give me a tip, actually where I should look or how this can 
be performed that would be great.

I would need that for tinymce_rte.

with best regards
Thomas Allmer (dakmor) 

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