[TYPO3-RTE] Changing default value for table header cells (thead)

Joerg Wagner news.netfielders.de at digilog.de
Sat Dec 20 12:21:24 CET 2008

Hi all,

I am just about to do some long awaited optimization of my RTE settings 
for all my TYPO3 projects, so I apologize for posting several questions 
in a row. Here's the next one:

When creating new tables the default setting for headers is "Header 
cells on top" which is probably not a good selection for most editors as 
they actually don't know anything about header cells and what they do 
after all. So I would prefer to change the default to "No header cells" 
(and those editors who know the HTML background can switch them on if 
they wish).

Is there any way to change the default setting for the thead creation?

Thanks for your help.
Cheers, Jörg.

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