[TYPO3-RTE] <table>: How to change the default values

Stig Kjeldsen sk at itu.dk
Mon Dec 10 15:01:16 CET 2007

When creating a new table the default values in the pop-up window are:

Rows =  2
Cols = 4
Width = 100 percent

Border thinkness = 1
Cell spacing = 1
Cell padding = 1

How do I change the default values?

I can change the values in the Table Poperties pop-up window this way:

RTE.default.proc.entryHTMLparser_db.tags {
   table.fixAttrib.cellspacing.set = 0
   table.fixAttrib.cellpadding.set = 5
   table.fixAttrib.border.set = 1
   table.fixAttrib.frame.set = box
   table.fixAttrib.rules.set = all
   table.fixAttrib.style.set = border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); 
width:100 %;

It would be nice if I could set the default values when creating a new table

Best Regards


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