[TYPO3-RTE] OT: Big problem

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Wed Feb 8 23:03:41 CET 2006

Hash: SHA1

Andreas Balzer schrieb:
> Well, i understand your posting as a joke, right? :)
> Of course we also advertise for books and for culture and for Firefox..
> (and wikipedia too).. But i'm only a student. And it's not interesting
> me, what ads i choose to be displayed on our site, as long as they are
> not against our school profile.. Well, we are a catholic school, so i
> don't think, that we will advertise for weapons. But did you know, that
> for books our green and o^2 bringing forests are destroyed, and that you
> can kill thousands of peoples with one single paper showing an specific
> image? No, we will not advertise for weapons.. we will advertise for
> travels.. :) Come and book one.. $$:)

If you don't even understand,that with one holiday flight that makes as much
polution like years of car driving, you are killing people as sure as if you
would use a weapon, I wounder what kind of student you are. Is it sports, or is
it religion?  You drowned people in New Orleans, you starved people in Africa,
you burned people in Australia as direct result of your holiday trips.

I am catholic too. and I don't see a big difference if I kill somebody with a
weapon or with supporting plant destroying mass tourism. With a weapon you kill
people today. With climate toxication in that size you kill people today AND you
still kill people tomorrow. What kind of killing do you think is more catholic?

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