[TYPO3-RTE] Big problem

Andreas Balzer newslist at andreas-balzer.de
Wed Feb 8 19:40:38 CET 2006

Elmar Hinz schrieb:
> Hash: SHA1
>> Hi!
>> Yes, but we are a half private school and the German government reduces
>> the founds our school gets. So we as the web team have to find different
>> possibilities to get money for the servers. And these adverts do their
>> job right good. Well, we are looking for more profitable ads, sure.. But
>> we do not want to use goog...
> That is a poor excusion. Ads and school, that doesn't go together at all. If you
> really need to advertise, you could also advertise books, Harry Potter or
> Brecht. Books are also profitable.
> If you really want teach the children how to destroy the earth, you could
> advertise weapons. Weopons are much more profitable. Weapons also kill humans,
> but they kill them much more directly. I am sure the pupils will understand that
> lessen much easier. Even those that don't understand more complex coherences.
> If I were the director of this school, I would be very concerned about the bad
> publicity a schools homepage with advertisments does produce. I rather would
> forbid to set up a homepage at all, than allowing one with such kinds of ads.
> Regards
> Elmar
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
> iD8DBQFD6jZ8O976RNoy/18RAukMAJ9krLVow5TZ5v7OhomTcwi6mdVAjwCg0lq7
> Rz9727HpJDrPNviCEXZ3ym8=
> =l5gM

Well, i understand your posting as a joke, right? :)
Of course we also advertise for books and for culture and for Firefox.. 
(and wikipedia too).. But i'm only a student. And it's not interesting 
me, what ads i choose to be displayed on our site, as long as they are 
not against our school profile.. Well, we are a catholic school, so i 
don't think, that we will advertise for weapons. But did you know, that 
for books our green and o^2 bringing forests are destroyed, and that you 
can kill thousands of peoples with one single paper showing an specific 
image? No, we will not advertise for weapons.. we will advertise for 
travels.. :) Come and book one.. $$:)

So, let's come finaly back to topic.. While my computer stands on to 
wait for an answer to my question, hours are passing away.. Hours, were 
nuclear energy buildings polute their smoke into the wide wide 
atmosphere.. So come and answer :)

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