[TYPO3-RTE] Table styling

Stanislas Rolland stanislas.rolland at fructifor.ca
Fri Dec 23 06:06:15 CET 2005

Hi Ernesto,
> We've been playing around with styling tables with rtehtmlarea and
> setting up an environment where the user can work with it. There are
> still some problems. So here are some ideas of what we missed:
> 2) Auto-numbering of columns/rows in classes like css-styled-content
> does: tr-even/tr-odd and td-0, td-1, etc. This might become difficult if
> we have colspan/rowspan. But maybe possible?
Does not look simple to me. You may want to submit this as a feature 
request in the bug tracker for some future release.
> A general HTML/table question: The "frame" attribute is something I've
> never used/seen before, but looks like its XHTML/HTML valid and even
> works nicely. But is there a way to style these frames in CSS (color,
> size and style)? I have just found the IE-specific "bordercolor", but
> there has to be a CSS way??
If you find how, please let me know. I will then incorporate these 
attributes into style attributes.


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