[TYPO3-remotesurvey] commited changes to server an client

Francois Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Sat Sep 5 21:16:58 CEST 2009


>> The weird thing is that you can create a record after having manually
>> created the first one. This would seem to be a core bug.
> There is a TCA Setting
> $TCA['tx_surveyserver_installs']['ctrl']['rootLevel'] = 1;
> which should allow to write on the globe?

While trying your latest additions, I found out that you had introduced 
the above line in tca.php. I'm not sure exactly why this didn't work, 
but it didn't... I couldn't create a new record. Anyway I still think 
this should not be set to 1. I suggested -1 before, making it possible 
to create records both at the root or anywhere else. I know it doesn't 
make sense inside a normal page, but I use sysFolders a lot and I could 
imagine storing all my remote installs in one sysFolder.

I move the line to ext_tables.php and changed the value to -1.



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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