[TYPO3-project-realty] Formidable::Mayday on frontEndEditor and frontEndImageUpload

Oliver Schmütz info at schattenklinge.com
Mon Jul 13 15:28:19 CEST 2009

Oliver Klee schrieb:
> Hi Oliver,
> please change you e-mail sender to use you real name. In this newsgroup,
> we'd like to know to know we're talking. :-)

Oops, i'm sorry :)

> Olli schrieb:
>> i am having difficulties getting the frontend editing and frontend
>> imageuplaod to work. everything works just fine, but as soon as i click
>> on either "fe-edit" or "fe-image-upload" i get the "Formidable::Mayday"
>> error page.
> Have you included the extension's static template in your TS template?
> (And if this isn't the problem, please post the exact error message. A
> FORMidable mayday could be anything.)
> Oliver

Yes, i included the static template. everything else works like a charm. 
here is a copy of the formidable error page (i hope this is what you 
asked for):

Two (or more) Formidable are using the same formid 
'tx_realty_frontEndEditor' on this page - cannot continue
Formidable: v1.1.0
Total exec. time: 0,002 sec
Call stack
Call 0: 
/typo3conf/ext/ameos_formidable/api/class.tx_ameosformidable.php:309 | 
With parameters:
0	OBJECT (tx_realty_frontEndEditor) :
scriptRelPath	STRING(40): pi1/class.tx_realty_pi1_FrontEndView.php
prefixId	STRING(13): tx_realty_pi1
extKey	STRING(6): realty
altLLkey	STRING(7): default
showUid	STRING(1): 3
res_count	INTEGER: 0
results_at_a_time	INTEGER: 20
maxPages	INTEGER: 10
currentTable	STRING(0)
realty.pi_flexform.templateFile	STRING(13): HTML template
realty.pi_flexform.sheet_general	STRING(7): General
realty.pi_flexform.what_to_display	STRING(25): What should be displayed:
realty.pi_flexform.realty_list	STRING(11): Realty List
realty.pi_flexform.favorites	STRING(9): Favorites
realty.pi_flexform.single_view	STRING(11): Single view
realty.pi_flexform.gallery	STRING(7): Gallery
realty.pi_flexform.filter_form	STRING(11): Search form
realty.pi_flexform.contact_form	STRING(12): Contact form
realty.pi_flexform.my_objects	STRING(10): My objects
realty.pi_flexform.offerer_list	STRING(12): Offerer list
realty.pi_flexform.objects_by_owner	STRING(18): Objects by offerer
realty.pi_flexform.fe_editor	STRING(9): FE editor
realty.pi_flexform.image_upload	STRING(12): Image upload
realty.pi_flexform.staticSqlFilter	STRING(71): Static SQL filter (will 
be appended to the WHERE clause using " AND "):
realty.pi_flexform.sheet_contactForm	STRING(12): Contact form
realty.pi_flexform.defaultContactEmail	STRING(87): E-mail address for 
contact requests if the realty object's contact data cannot be used:
realty.pi_flexform.blindCarbonCopyAddress	STRING(55): E-mail address for 
a blind carbon copy of each request:
realty.pi_flexform.requiredContactFormFields	STRING(21): Required form 
realty.pi_flexform.visibleContactFormFields	STRING(20): Form fields to show:
realty.pi_flexform.showContactPageLink	STRING(52): Show link to the 
contact form in the favorites view:
realty.pi_flexform.checkboxesFilter	STRING(53): DB field to create the 
search filter checkboxes from:
realty.pi_flexform.orderBy	STRING(29): Initially, sort list view by:
realty.pi_flexform.sortCriteria	STRING(52): DB fields by which a FE user 
can sort the list view:
realty.pi_flexform.random	STRING(6): random
realty.pi_flexform.fromTsSetup	STRING(15): (from TS setup)
realty.pi_flexform.hide	STRING(4): hide
realty.pi_flexform.show	STRING(4): show
realty.pi_flexform.singlePID	STRING(25): Page for the single view:
realty.pi_flexform.galleryPID	STRING(22): Page with the gallery:
realty.pi_flexform.favoritesPID	STRING(29): Page with the favorites list:
realty.pi_flexform.editorPID	STRING(24): Page with the FE editor:
realty.pi_flexform.imageUploadPID	STRING(30): Page with the FE image upload:
realty.pi_flexform.objectsByOwnerPID	STRING(39): Page with list of 
objects by one owner:
realty.pi_flexform.userGroupsForOffererList	STRING(36): FE user groups 
for the offerer list:
realty.pi_flexform.sysFolderForFeCreatedRecords	STRING(37): System 
folder for FE-created records:
realty.pi_flexform.sysFolderForFeCreatedAuxiliaryRecords	STRING(47): 
System folder for FE-created auxiliary records:
realty.pi_flexform.feEditorRedirectPid	STRING(51): FE page displayed 
after saving a FE-created record:
realty.pi_flexform.feEditorNotifyEmail	STRING(77): E-mail address that 
receives a message when a new record has been FE-created:
realty.pi_flexform.sheet_feeditor	STRING(9): FE Editor
realty.pi_flexform.sheet_googlemaps	STRING(11): Google Maps
realty.pi_flexform.showGoogleMaps	STRING(17): Show Google Maps:
realty.pi_flexform.googleMapsApiKey	STRING(20): Google Maps API key:
realty.pi_flexform.defaultCountry	STRING(27): Default country of objects:
realty.pi_flexform.galleryType	STRING(13): Gallery type:
realty.pi_flexform.galleryByTS	STRING(15): (from TS setup)
realty.pi_flexform.lightbox	STRING(8): Lightbox
realty.pi_flexform.classic	STRING(7): classic
realty.pi_flexform.sheet_searchForm	STRING(11): Search form
realty.pi_flexform.displayedSearchWidgetFields	STRING(22): Search fields 
to show:
realty.pi_flexform.displaySite	STRING(12): city and ZIP
realty.pi_flexform.displayCity	STRING(14): city drop-down
realty.pi_flexform.displayRent	STRING(18): price input fields
realty.pi_flexform.displayPriceRange	STRING(27): rent/buying price drop-down
realty.pi_flexform.displayObjectNumber	STRING(13): object number
realty.pi_flexform.displayUid	STRING(7): Immo ID
realty.pi_flexform.displayObjectType	STRING(22): Radiobuttons rent/sale
realty.pi_flexform.displayLivingArea	STRING(11): Living area
realty.pi_flexform.filterTargetPID	STRING(34): Target page for the 
search widget:
realty.pi_flexform.priceRangesForFilterForm	STRING(36): Price ranges for 
the price selector:
realty.pi_flexform.objectNumber	STRING(13): Object number
realty.pi_flexform.uid	STRING(7): Immo ID
realty.pi_flexform.sheet_offererInformation	STRING(19): Offerer information
realty.pi_flexform.displayedContactInformation	STRING(44): Contact data 
to show for all FE user groups:
STRING(43): FE user groups with different contact data:
realty.pi_flexform.displayedContactInformationSpecial	STRING(46): 
Contact data to show for these FE user groups:
realty.pi_flexform.firstUserGroup	STRING(16): first user group
realty.pi_flexform.company	STRING(7): company
realty.pi_flexform.offererLabel	STRING(4): name
realty.pi_flexform.street	STRING(6): street
realty.pi_flexform.city	STRING(4): city
realty.pi_flexform.zip_and_city	STRING(12): ZIP and city
realty.pi_flexform.telephone	STRING(9): telephone
realty.pi_flexform.email	STRING(14): e-mail address
realty.pi_flexform.homepage	STRING(8): homepage
realty.pi_flexform.objectsByOwnerLink	STRING(46): link to page with list 
of objects by one owner
realty.pi_flexform.sheet_advertisements	STRING(14): Advertisements
realty.pi_flexform.advertisementPID	STRING(33): Page with the 
advertisement form:
realty.pi_flexform.advertisementParameterForObjectUid	STRING(33): GET 
parameter for the object UID:
realty.pi_flexform.advertisementExpirationInDays	STRING(46): Expiration 
period of advertisements (in days):
realty.pi_flexform.singleViewPartsToDisplay	STRING(29): Single view 
parts to display:
realty.pi_flexform.heading	STRING(7): heading
realty.pi_flexform.address	STRING(7): address
realty.pi_flexform.description	STRING(11): description
realty.pi_flexform.price	STRING(17): rent/buying price
realty.pi_flexform.overviewTable	STRING(14): overview table
realty.pi_flexform.contactButton	STRING(16): button "contact"
realty.pi_flexform.actionButtons	STRING(46): buttons "add to favorites", 
"back" and "print"
realty.pi_flexform.furtherDescription	STRING(41): fields "equipment", 
"location" and "misc"
realty.pi_flexform.imageThumbnails	STRING(6): images
realty.pi_flexform.offerer	STRING(19): offerer information
label_title	STRING(5): Title
label_city	STRING(4): City
label_district	STRING(8): District
label_country	STRING(7): Country
label_tstamp	STRING(19): Date of last change
label_extra_charges	STRING(13): Extra charges
label_extra_charges_short	STRING(13): Extra charges
label_rent_excluding_bills	STRING(20): Rent excluding bills
label_rent_excluding_bills_short	STRING(20): Rent excluding bills
label_number_of_rooms	STRING(15): Number of rooms
label_number_of_rooms_short	STRING(5): rooms
label_balcony	STRING(13): Balcony/patio
label_balcony_short	STRING(13): balcony/patio
label_garden	STRING(6): garden
label_garden_short	STRING(14): Garden (usage)
label_elevator	STRING(8): Elevator
label_elevator_short	STRING(8): elevator
label_has_air_conditioning	STRING(16): Air conditioning
label_has_air_conditioning_short	STRING(16): air conditioning
label_has_pool	STRING(4): Pool
label_has_pool_short	STRING(4): pool
label_has_community_pool	STRING(14): Community pool
label_has_community_pool_short	STRING(14): community pool
label_barrier_free	STRING(10): Accessible
label_barrier_free_short	STRING(10): accessible
label_assisted_living	STRING(15): Assisted living
label_assisted_living_short	STRING(15): assisted living
label_fitted_kitchen	STRING(14): Fitted kitchen
label_fitted_kitchen_short	STRING(14): fitted kitchen
label_construction_year	STRING(20): Year of construction
label_construction_year_short	STRING(20): year of construction
label_old_or_new_building_1	STRING(12): new building
label_old_or_new_building_2	STRING(12): old building
label_usable_from	STRING(23): Can be used starting at
label_usable_from_short	STRING(23): can be used starting at
label_object_number	STRING(8): Object #
label_address	STRING(7): Address
label_description	STRING(11): Description
label_offerer	STRING(7): Offerer
label_phone	STRING(6): Phone:
label_equipment	STRING(9): Equipment
label_overview	STRING(8): Overview
label_location	STRING(8): Location
label_misc	STRING(13): Miscellaneous
label_layout	STRING(6): Layout
label_living_area	STRING(23): Size of the living area
label_total_area	STRING(10): Total area
label_estate_size	STRING(11): Estate size
label_heating_included	STRING(29): Extra charges include heating
label_deposit	STRING(16): Security deposit
label_provision	STRING(22): Provision/broker's fee
label_buying_price	STRING(16): Price for buying
label_hoa_fee	STRING(7): HOA fee
label_year_rent	STRING(17): Net rent per year
label_rented	STRING(6): Rented
label_apartment_type	STRING(14): Apartment type
label_house_type	STRING(10): House type
label_floor	STRING(5): Floor
label_floors	STRING(16): Number of floors
label_bedrooms	STRING(18): Number of bedrooms
label_bathrooms	STRING(19): Number of bathrooms
label_heating_type	STRING(15): Type of heating
label_heating_type.1	STRING(16): district heating
label_heating_type.2	STRING(15): central heating
label_heating_type.3	STRING(16): electric heating
label_heating_type.4	STRING(13): floor heating
label_heating_type.5	STRING(11): gas heating
label_heating_type.6	STRING(18): green fuel heating
label_heating_type.7	STRING(17): heat pump heating
label_heating_type.8	STRING(11): oil heating
label_heating_type.9	STRING(30): self-contained central heating
label_heating_type.10	STRING(13): solar heating
label_heating_type.11	STRING(16): heating by stove
label_heating_type.12	STRING(12): zone heating
label_garage_type	STRING(20): Garage/parking space
label_garage_rent	STRING(29): Rent for garage/parking space
label_garage_price	STRING(41): Price for buying the garage/parking space
label_pets	STRING(4): Pets
label_state	STRING(9): Condition
label_state.1	STRING(14): bare brickwork
label_state.2	STRING(14): by arrangement
label_state.3	STRING(11): dilapidated
label_state.4	STRING(15): first occupancy
label_state.5	STRING(14): for demolition
label_state.6	STRING(6): gutted
label_state.7	STRING(10): modernized
label_state.8	STRING(4): neat
label_state.9	STRING(21): in need of renovation
label_state.10	STRING(13): reconditioned
label_state.11	STRING(9): renovated
label_state.12	STRING(9): sanitated
label_state.13	STRING(7): planned
label_weofferyou_formal	STRING(35): We offer you the following objects:
label_weofferyou_informal	STRING(35): We offer you the following objects:
label_yourfavorites_formal	STRING(54): You have the following objects on 
your favorites list:
label_yourfavorites_informal	STRING(54): You have the following objects 
on your favorites list:
label_your_objects_formal	STRING(13): Your objects:
label_your_objects_informal	STRING(13): Your objects:
label_objects_already_entered	STRING(42): You have already entered %u of 
%u objects.
label_no_objects_left	STRING(34): You cannot enter any more objects.
label_one_object_left	STRING(30): You can enter one more object.
label_multiple_objects_left	STRING(30): You can enter %u more objects.
label_searchin	STRING(9): Search in
label_page	STRING(4): Page
label_approx	STRING(7): approx.
label_squareMeters	STRING(2): m�
label_back	STRING(16): Back to the list
label_add_to_favorites	STRING(16): Add to favorites
label_remove_from_favorites	STRING(21): Remove from favorites
label_on_favorites_list	STRING(30): Objects on the favorites list:
label_print_page	STRING(10): Print page
label_filter_form	STRING(15): Search criteria
label_enter_zip_or_city	STRING(17): City or ZIP code:
label_enter_object_number	STRING(14): Object number:
label_enter_uid	STRING(8): Immo ID:
label_select_city	STRING(5): City:
label_pleaseselectcity	STRING(34): — Please select city —
label_select_price_range	STRING(18): Rent/buying price:
label_enter_rent	STRING(23): Rent/buying price from:
label_enter_living_area	STRING(17): Living area from:
label_select_object_type	STRING(13): Only objects:
label_select_rent	STRING(8): for rent
label_select_sale	STRING(8): for sale
label_less_than	STRING(9): less than
label_greater_than	STRING(12): greater than
label_to	STRING(2): to
label_next_image	STRING(20): go to the next image
label_sorry	STRING(6): Sorry!
label_ascending	STRING(9): ascending
label_descending	STRING(10): descending
label_sort	STRING(4): sort
label_search	STRING(6): search
label_sortby	STRING(17): Display sorted by
label_random	STRING(6): random
label_contact	STRING(10): Contact us
label_close_window	STRING(12): Close window
message_now	STRING(3): now
message_yes	STRING(3): yes
message_noResultsFound_realty_list_formal	STRING(84): No results were 
found with these search parameters. Please try refining your search.
message_noResultsFound_realty_list_informal	STRING(84): No results were 
found with these search parameters. Please try refining your search.
message_noResultsFound_favorites_formal	STRING(39): Your favorites list 
currently is empty.
message_noResultsFound_favorites_informal	STRING(39): Your favorites 
list currently is empty.
message_noResultsFound_contact_form_formal	STRING(52): The object you 
requested contact for does not exist.
message_noResultsFound_contact_form_informal	STRING(52): The object you 
requested contact for does not exist.
message_noResultsFound_fe_editor_formal	STRING(91): The object does not 
exist in the database. Please choose another object or enter a new one.
message_noResultsFound_fe_editor_informal	STRING(91): The object does 
not exist in the database. Please choose another object or enter a new one.
message_noResultsFound_image_upload	STRING(113): You can only upload 
images for a specified realty object. Click the image upload button in 
the "my objects" list.
message_noResultsFound_single_view_formal	STRING(111): This URL is 
invalid. The object to be shown in the detail view is not available. 
Please contact the web master.
message_noResultsFound_single_view_informal	STRING(111): This URL is 
invalid. The object to be shown in the detail view is not available. 
Please contact the web master.
message_noResultsFound_my_objects_formal	STRING(28): You do not have any 
message_noResultsFound_my_objects_informal	STRING(28): You do not have 
any objects.
message_noResultsFound_offererList	STRING(33): There are no offerers to 
message_noResultsFound_objects_by_owner	STRING(49): This offerer 
currently does not have any objects.
message_access_denied_formal	STRING(106): You do not have access to the 
editing mode for this object. Only this object's owner may edit this record.
message_access_denied_informal	STRING(106): You do not have access to 
the editing mode for this object. Only this object's owner may edit this 
message_invalidImage_formal	STRING(188): This image is not available in 
our databases. Please check that the address you've entered is correct. 
If you have followed a link to this page, the link might be incorrect or 
out of date.
message_invalidImage_informal	STRING(188): This image is not available 
in our databases. Please check that the address you've entered is 
correct. If you have followed a link to this page, the link might be 
incorrect or out of date.
message_please_login_formal	STRING(32): Please log in to view this page.
message_please_login_informal	STRING(32): Please log in to view this page.
message_no_objects_left	STRING(98): You have reached the number of 
objects you are allowed to enter and cannot enter any more objects.
label_salutation	STRING(5): Hello
label_uid	STRING(11): Database ID
label_user_text	STRING(19): wrote the following
label_user_contact_information	STRING(19): Contact information
label_email_subject_specialized	STRING(27): Request concerning object #
label_email_subject_general	STRING(14): Realty request
label_contact_form_description_formal	STRING(44): Here you can write a 
message to the offerer.
label_contact_form_description_informal	STRING(44): Here you can write a 
message to the offerer.
label_requested_object	STRING(21): The requested object:
label_requester_data_is_uneditable_formal	STRING(53): We are using the 
contact data from your account here.
label_requester_data_is_uneditable_informal	STRING(53): We are using the 
contact data from your account here.
label_your_name	STRING(4): Name
label_street	STRING(6): Street
label_zip	STRING(3): ZIP
label_zip_and_city	STRING(12): ZIP and city
label_your_email	STRING(14): E-mail address
label_your_phone	STRING(12): Phone number
label_your_request	STRING(7): Request
label_submit	STRING(4): Send
label_save	STRING(4): Save
label_save_and_close	STRING(14): Save and close
label_no_contact_person	STRING(81): The request cannot be sent because 
no contact person was entered for this object.
label_set_name_formal	STRING(52): Please provide your name without 
special characters.
label_set_name_informal	STRING(52): Please provide your name without 
special characters.
label_set_valid_email_address_formal	STRING(38): Please provide a valid 
e-mail address.
label_set_valid_email_address_informal	STRING(38): Please provide a 
valid e-mail address.
label_no_empty_textarea	STRING(23): Please enter a request.
label_thank_you_formal	STRING(27): Thank you for your request.
label_thank_you_informal	STRING(27): Thank you for your request.
label_message_sent_formal	STRING(22): Your request was sent.
label_message_sent_informal	STRING(22): Your request was sent.
label_has_request	STRING(34): has written the following request:
label_summary_string_of_favorites	STRING(61): The following objects were 
on the requester's favorites list:
label_sender_contact	STRING(26): The sender's contact data:
label_append_images	STRING(13): Append images
label_edit	STRING(4): Edit
label_new_record	STRING(17): Create new object
label_delete	STRING(6): Delete
label_really_delete	STRING(41): Do you really want to delete this record?
label_published	STRING(9): Published
label_pending	STRING(7): Pending
label_advertise	STRING(9): Advertise
label_advertised	STRING(10): Advertised
message_no_valid_number	STRING(28): Please enter a valid number.
message_no_valid_price	STRING(27): Please enter a valid price.
message_no_valid_year	STRING(42): Please enter a year that lies in the past.
message_no_valid_longitude_degree	STRING(52): Please enter a valid 
longitude degree (-180 to 180).
message_no_valid_latitude_degree	STRING(49): Please enter a valid 
latitude degree (-90 to 90).
message_object_number_exists	STRING(97): The entered object number 
already exists in the database. Please enter a different object number.
message_required_field	STRING(36): Please enter a value for this field.
message_required_field_requesterZip	STRING(27): Please enter your ZIP code.
message_required_field_requesterCity	STRING(23): Please enter your city.
message_value_not_allowed	STRING(59): The provided value is not within 
the set of allowed values.
message_enter_valid_non_empty_buying_price	STRING(60): Please enter a 
valid price because this is an object to buy.
message_enter_valid_or_empty_buying_price	STRING(53): Please enter a 
valid price or leave this field empty.
message_enter_valid_non_empty_rent	STRING(125): Please enter a valid 
price for <em>net rent per year</em> or <em>rent excluding bills</em> 
because this is an object to rent.
message_enter_valid_or_empty_rent	STRING(119): Please enter a valid 
price for <em>net rent per year</em> or <em>rent excluding bills</em> or 
leave these fields empty.
message_either_new_or_existing_record	STRING(130): A new and an existing 
record cannot be stored for the same object. Please either select an 
existing record or provide a new title.
label_new_city	STRING(15): Create new city
label_new_district	STRING(19): Create new district
label_email_subject_fe_editor	STRING(47): A new realty record has been 
created in the FE.
label_new_object_created	STRING(44): A new record has been added to the 
label_name	STRING(4): Name
label_username	STRING(9): User name
label_image_upload	STRING(12): Image upload
label_image_list	STRING(25): Currently appended images
message_image_too_large	STRING(111): The image you have tried to upload 
is too large. Please choose a smaller one or scale this image and try again.
message_invalid_type	STRING(107): The image you have tried to upload is 
of an invalid file type. Allowed extensions are: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG.
message_empty_caption	STRING(39): Please provide a caption for the image.
label_offerings_by	STRING(12): Offerings by
message_no_such_owner	STRING(52): The selected offerer does not exist in 
the database.
label_offerer_list	STRING(12): Offerer list
label_this_owners_objects	STRING(27): All objects by this offerer
realty.pi_flexform.templateFile	STRING(13): HTML-Template
realty.pi_flexform.sheet_general	STRING(9): Allgemein
realty.pi_flexform.what_to_display	STRING(26): Was soll angezeigt werden:
realty.pi_flexform.realty_list	STRING(15): Immobilienliste
realty.pi_flexform.favorites	STRING(10): Merkzettel
realty.pi_flexform.single_view	STRING(13): Einzelansicht
realty.pi_flexform.gallery	STRING(7): Galerie
realty.pi_flexform.filter_form	STRING(12): Suchformular
realty.pi_flexform.contact_form	STRING(15): Kontaktformular
realty.pi_flexform.my_objects	STRING(13): Meine Objekte
realty.pi_flexform.offerer_list	STRING(13): Anbieterliste
realty.pi_flexform.objects_by_owner	STRING(23): Objekte eines Anbieters
realty.pi_flexform.fe_editor	STRING(9): FE-Editor
realty.pi_flexform.image_upload	STRING(16): Bilder hochladen
realty.pi_flexform.staticSqlFilter	STRING(72): Statischer SQL-Filter 
(wird mit " AND " an die WHERE-Klausel angeh�ngt):
realty.pi_flexform.sheet_contactForm	STRING(15): Kontaktformular
realty.pi_flexform.defaultContactEmail	STRING(102): E-Mail-Adresse f�r 
Kontaktanfragen, wenn keine Kontaktdaten des Immobilienobjekts zu 
Verf�gung stehen:
realty.pi_flexform.blindCarbonCopyAddress	STRING(49): E-Mail-Adresse f�r 
eine Blindkopie jeder Anfrage:
realty.pi_flexform.requiredContactFormFields	STRING(23): 
realty.pi_flexform.visibleContactFormFields	STRING(26): Angezeigte 
realty.pi_flexform.showContactPageLink	STRING(53): Link zum 
Kontaktformular auf dem Merkzettel anzeigen:
realty.pi_flexform.checkboxesFilter	STRING(58): DB-Feld, aus dem die 
Suchfilter-Checkboxen erzeugt werden:
realty.pi_flexform.orderBy	STRING(39): Listenansicht zu Anfang sortieren 
realty.pi_flexform.sortCriteria	STRING(67): DB-Felder, nach denen ein 
FE-User die Listenansicht sortieren kann:
realty.pi_flexform.random	STRING(8): zuf�llig
realty.pi_flexform.fromTsSetup	STRING(18): (aus dem TS-Setup)
realty.pi_flexform.hide	STRING(10): verstecken
realty.pi_flexform.show	STRING(8): anzeigen
realty.pi_flexform.singlePID	STRING(28): Seite mit der Einzelansicht:
realty.pi_flexform.galleryPID	STRING(22): Seite mit der Galerie:
realty.pi_flexform.favoritesPID	STRING(25): Seite mit dem Merkzettel:
realty.pi_flexform.editorPID	STRING(24): Seite mit dem FE-Editor:
realty.pi_flexform.imageUploadPID	STRING(32): Seite zum Hochladen von 
realty.pi_flexform.objectsByOwnerPID	STRING(48): Seite mit der Liste der 
Objekte eines Anbieters:
realty.pi_flexform.userGroupsForOffererList	STRING(41): 
FE-Benutzergruppen f�r die Anbieterliste:
realty.pi_flexform.sysFolderForFeCreatedRecords	STRING(42): 
System-Ordner f�r im FE erstellte Objekte:
realty.pi_flexform.sysFolderForFeCreatedAuxiliaryRecords	STRING(50): 
System-Ordner f�r im FE erstellte Hilfsdatens�tze:
realty.pi_flexform.feEditorRedirectPid	STRING(49): Angezeigte Seite nach 
dem Speichern im FE-Editor:
realty.pi_flexform.feEditorNotifyEmail	STRING(92): E-Mail-Adresse, an 
die eine Nachricht �ber jeden neu erstellten FE-Datensatz geschickt wird:
realty.pi_flexform.sheet_feeditor	STRING(9): FE-Editor
realty.pi_flexform.sheet_googlemaps	STRING(11): Google Maps
realty.pi_flexform.showGoogleMaps	STRING(18): Zeige Google Maps:
realty.pi_flexform.googleMapsApiKey	STRING(26): Google-Maps-API-Schl�ssel:
realty.pi_flexform.defaultCountry	STRING(26): Standard-Land der Objekte:
realty.pi_flexform.galleryType	STRING(10): Galerietyp
realty.pi_flexform.galleryByTS	STRING(18): (aus dem TS-Setup)
realty.pi_flexform.lightbox	STRING(8): Lightbox
realty.pi_flexform.classic	STRING(9): klassisch
realty.pi_flexform.sheet_searchForm	STRING(12): Suchformular
realty.pi_flexform.displayedSearchWidgetFields	STRING(22): Angezeigte 
realty.pi_flexform.displaySite	STRING(11): Ort und PLZ
realty.pi_flexform.displayCity	STRING(15): Stadt-Drop-down
realty.pi_flexform.displayRent	STRING(19): Preis-Eingabefelder
realty.pi_flexform.displayPriceRange	STRING(25): Miete/Kaufpreis Drop-Down
realty.pi_flexform.displayObjectNumber	STRING(12): Objektnummer
realty.pi_flexform.displayUid	STRING(7): Immo-ID
realty.pi_flexform.displayObjectType	STRING(23): Radiobuttons Kauf/Miete
realty.pi_flexform.displayLivingArea	STRING(8): Wohnraum
realty.pi_flexform.filterTargetPID	STRING(29): Zielseite f�r das Suchwidget:
realty.pi_flexform.priceRangesForFilterForm	STRING(37): Preisspannen f�r 
den Preis-Drop-down:
realty.pi_flexform.objectNumber	STRING(12): Objektnummer
realty.pi_flexform.uid	STRING(7): Immo-ID
realty.pi_flexform.sheet_offererInformation	STRING(22): 
realty.pi_flexform.displayedContactInformation	STRING(63): Kontaktdaten, 
die f�r alle FE-Benutzergruppen angezeigt werden:
STRING(44): FE-Benutzergruppen mit anderen Kontaktdaten:
realty.pi_flexform.displayedContactInformationSpecial	STRING(64): 
Kontaktdaten, die f�r diese FE-Benutzergruppen angezeigt werden:
realty.pi_flexform.firstUserGroup	STRING(20): erste Benutzergruppe
realty.pi_flexform.company	STRING(5): Firma
realty.pi_flexform.offererLabel	STRING(4): Name
realty.pi_flexform.street	STRING(6): Stra�e
realty.pi_flexform.city	STRING(5): Stadt
realty.pi_flexform.zip_and_city	STRING(13): PLZ und Stadt
realty.pi_flexform.telephone	STRING(13): Telefonnummer
realty.pi_flexform.email	STRING(6): E-mail
realty.pi_flexform.homepage	STRING(8): Homepage
realty.pi_flexform.objectsByOwnerLink	STRING(60): Verlinke zur Seite mit 
der Liste der Objekte eines Anbieters
realty.pi_flexform.sheet_advertisements	STRING(8): Inserate
realty.pi_flexform.advertisementPID	STRING(31): Seite mit dem 
realty.pi_flexform.advertisementParameterForObjectUid	STRING(33): 
GET-Parameter f�r die Objekt-UID:
realty.pi_flexform.advertisementExpirationInDays	STRING(30): Dauer der 
Inserate (in Tagen):
realty.pi_flexform.singleViewPartsToDisplay	STRING(35): Angezeigte Teile 
der Einzelansicht:
realty.pi_flexform.heading	STRING(11): �berschrift
realty.pi_flexform.address	STRING(7): Adresse
realty.pi_flexform.description	STRING(12): Beschreibung
realty.pi_flexform.price	STRING(15): Miete/Kaufpreis
realty.pi_flexform.overviewTable	STRING(17): �bersichtstabelle
realty.pi_flexform.contactButton	STRING(26): Button "Kontakt aufnehmen"
realty.pi_flexform.actionButtons	STRING(52): Buttons "Auf den 
Merkzettel", "Zur�ck" and "Drucken"
realty.pi_flexform.furtherDescription	STRING(44): Felder "Ausstattung", 
"Lage" und "Sonstiges"
realty.pi_flexform.imageThumbnails	STRING(6): Bilder
realty.pi_flexform.offerer	STRING(21): Anbieterinformationen
label_title	STRING(5): Titel
label_city	STRING(3): Ort
label_district	STRING(8): Ortsteil
label_country	STRING(4): Land
label_tstamp	STRING(14): �nderungsdatum
label_extra_charges	STRING(11): Nebenkosten
label_extra_charges_short	STRING(41): <acronym 
label_rent_excluding_bills	STRING(9): Kaltmiete
label_rent_excluding_bills_short	STRING(39): <acronym 
label_number_of_rooms	STRING(12): Zimmeranzahl
label_number_of_rooms_short	STRING(6): Zimmer
label_balcony	STRING(15): Balkon/Terrasse
label_balcony_short	STRING(15): Balkon/Terrasse
label_garden	STRING(20): Garten/-mitbenutzung
label_garden_short	STRING(6): Garten
label_elevator	STRING(14): Personenaufzug
label_elevator_short	STRING(14): Personenaufzug
label_has_air_conditioning	STRING(11): Klimaanlage
label_has_air_conditioning_short	STRING(11): Klimaanlage
label_has_pool	STRING(4): Pool
label_has_pool_short	STRING(4): Pool
label_has_community_pool	STRING(17): Gemeinschaftspool
label_has_community_pool_short	STRING(17): Gemeinschaftspool
label_barrier_free	STRING(16): Rollstuhlgerecht
label_barrier_free_short	STRING(16): rollstuhlgerecht
label_assisted_living	STRING(16): Betreutes Wohnen
label_assisted_living_short	STRING(16): betreutes Wohnen
label_fitted_kitchen	STRING(11): Einbauk�che
label_fitted_kitchen_short	STRING(42): <acronym 
label_construction_year	STRING(7): Baujahr
label_construction_year_short	STRING(7): Baujahr
label_old_or_new_building_1	STRING(6): Neubau
label_old_or_new_building_2	STRING(6): Altbau
label_usable_from	STRING(7): Frei ab
label_usable_from_short	STRING(7): frei ab
label_object_number	STRING(10): Objekt Nr.
label_address	STRING(7): Adresse
label_description	STRING(12): Beschreibung
label_offerer	STRING(8): Anbieter
label_phone	STRING(8): Telefon:
label_equipment	STRING(11): Ausstattung
label_overview	STRING(9): �berblick
label_location	STRING(4): Lage
label_misc	STRING(9): Sonstiges
label_layout	STRING(10): Aufteilung
label_living_area	STRING(14): Wohnfl�che ca.
label_total_area	STRING(14): Nutzfl�che ca.
label_estate_size	STRING(17): Grundst�cksfl�che
label_heating_included	STRING(30): Nebenkosten inkl.&nbsp;Heizung
label_deposit	STRING(7): Kaution
label_provision	STRING(18): Provision/Courtage
label_buying_price	STRING(9): Kaufpreis
label_hoa_fee	STRING(8): Hausgeld
label_year_rent	STRING(16): Nettojahresmiete
label_rented	STRING(9): Vermietet
label_apartment_type	STRING(11): Wohnungstyp
label_house_type	STRING(7): Haustyp
label_floor	STRING(5): Etage
label_floors	STRING(13): Anzahl Etagen
label_bedrooms	STRING(19): Anzahl Schlafzimmer
label_bathrooms	STRING(17): Anzahl Badezimmer
label_heating_type	STRING(11): Heizungsart
label_heating_type.1	STRING(9): Fernw�rme
label_heating_type.2	STRING(14): Zentralheizung
label_heating_type.3	STRING(14): Elektroheizung
label_heating_type.4	STRING(15): Fu�bodenheizung
label_heating_type.5	STRING(10): Gasheizung
label_heating_type.6	STRING(17): Alternativheizung
label_heating_type.7	STRING(18): W�rmepumpenheizung
label_heating_type.8	STRING(9): �lheizung
label_heating_type.9	STRING(13): Etagenheizung
label_heating_type.10	STRING(12): Solarheizung
label_heating_type.11	STRING(4): Ofen
label_heating_type.12	STRING(12): Blockheizung
label_garage_type	STRING(17): Garage/Stellplatz
label_garage_rent	STRING(27): Miete f�r Garage/Stellplatz
label_garage_price	STRING(31): Kaufpreis f�r Garage/Stellplatz
label_pets	STRING(9): Haustiere
label_state	STRING(7): Zustand
label_state.1	STRING(6): Rohbau
label_state.2	STRING(17): nach Vereinbarung
label_state.3	STRING(9): bauf�llig
label_state.4	STRING(9): Erstbezug
label_state.5	STRING(12): Abrissobjekt
label_state.6	STRING(8): entkernt
label_state.7	STRING(12): modernisiert
label_state.8	STRING(8): gepflegt
label_state.9	STRING(21): renovierungsbed�rftig
label_state.10	STRING(9): neuwertig
label_state.11	STRING(9): renoviert
label_state.12	STRING(7): saniert
label_state.13	STRING(7): geplant
label_weofferyou_formal	STRING(37): Wir bieten Ihnen folgende Objekte an:
label_weofferyou_informal	STRING(35): Wir bieten dir folgende Objekte an:
label_yourfavorites_formal	STRING(53): Sie haben die folgenden Objekte 
auf Ihrem Merkzettel:
label_yourfavorites_informal	STRING(52): Du hast die folgenden Objekte 
auf deinem Merkzettel:
label_your_objects_formal	STRING(13): Ihre Objekte:
label_your_objects_informal	STRING(14): Deine Objekte:
label_objects_already_entered	STRING(49): Sie haben bereits %u von %u 
Objekten eingetragen.
label_no_objects_left	STRING(44): Sie k�nnen keine weiteren Objekte 
label_one_object_left	STRING(37): Sie k�nnen noch ein Objekt eintragen.
label_multiple_objects_left	STRING(37): Sie k�nnen noch %u Objekte 
label_searchin	STRING(28): Ergebnis weiter einschr�nken
label_page	STRING(5): Seite
label_approx	STRING(3): ca.
label_squareMeters	STRING(2): m�
label_back	STRING(6): Zur�ck
label_add_to_favorites	STRING(18): Auf den Merkzettel
label_remove_from_favorites	STRING(22): Vom Merkzettel l�schen
label_on_favorites_list	STRING(27): Objekte auf dem Merkzettel:
label_print_page	STRING(13): Seite drucken
label_filter_form	STRING(13): Suchkriterien
label_enter_zip_or_city	STRING(24): Stadt oder Postleitzahl:
label_enter_object_number	STRING(13): Objektnummer:
label_enter_uid	STRING(8): Immo-ID:
label_select_city	STRING(6): Stadt:
label_pleaseselectcity	STRING(34): &#8212; Bitte Stadt w�hlen &#8212;
label_select_price_range	STRING(16): Miete/Kaufpreis:
label_enter_rent	STRING(20): Miete/Kaufpreis von:
label_enter_living_area	STRING(18): Wohnraumgr��e von:
label_select_object_type	STRING(12): Nur Objekte:
label_select_rent	STRING(9): zur Miete
label_select_sale	STRING(11): zum Verkauf
label_less_than	STRING(11): weniger als
label_greater_than	STRING(4): �ber
label_to	STRING(3): bis
label_next_image	STRING(17): zum n�chsten Bild
label_sorry	STRING(6): Sorry!
label_ascending	STRING(11): aufsteigend
label_descending	STRING(10): absteigend
label_sort	STRING(9): Sortieren
label_search	STRING(6): Suchen
label_sortby	STRING(13): Anzeigen nach
label_random	STRING(8): zuf�llig
label_contact	STRING(17): Kontakt aufnehmen
label_close_window	STRING(17): Fenster schlie�en
message_now	STRING(6): sofort
message_yes	STRING(2): ja
message_noResultsFound_realty_list_formal	STRING(107): Leider wurden 
keine Ergebnisse f�r Ihre Suchkriterien gefunden. Versuchen Sie die 
Suche zu verallgemeinern.
message_noResultsFound_realty_list_informal	STRING(103): Leider wurden 
keine Ergebnisse f�r deine Suchkriterien gefunden. Versuche die Suche zu 
message_noResultsFound_favorites_formal	STRING(57): Zurzeit befinden 
sich keine Objekte auf Ihrem Merkzettel.
message_noResultsFound_favorites_informal	STRING(58): Zurzeit befinden 
sich keine Objekte auf deinem Merkzettel.
message_noResultsFound_contact_form_formal	STRING(69): Das von Ihnen f�r 
die Kontaktanfrage gew�hlte Objekt existiert nicht.
message_noResultsFound_contact_form_informal	STRING(67): Das von dir f�r 
die Kontaktanfrage gew�hlte Objekt existiert nicht.
message_noResultsFound_fe_editor_formal	STRING(114): Das Objekt 
existiert nicht in der Datenbank. Bitte w�hlen Sie ein anderes oder 
legen Sie einen neuen Datensatz an.
message_noResultsFound_fe_editor_informal	STRING(104): Das Objekt 
existiert nicht in der Datenbank. Bitte w�hle ein anderes oder lege 
einen neuen Datensatz an.
message_noResultsFound_image_upload	STRING(140): Bilder k�nnen nur f�r 
eine bestimmte Immobilie hochgeladen werden. Klicken Sie auf den "Bilder 
hochladen"-Link in der "Meine Objekte"-Liste.
message_noResultsFound_single_view_formal	STRING(126): Diese URL ist 
ung�ltig. Das in der Detailansicht zu zeigende Objekt ist nicht 
verf�gbar. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Webmaster.
message_noResultsFound_single_view_informal	STRING(121): Diese URL ist 
ung�ltig. Das in der Detailansicht zu zeigende Objekt ist nicht 
verf�gbar. Bitte kontaktiere den Webmaster.
message_noResultsFound_my_objects_formal	STRING(27): Sie haben keine 
message_noResultsFound_my_objects_informal	STRING(25): Du hast keine 
message_noResultsFound_offererList	STRING(49): Zur Zeit gibt es keine 
Anbieter in der Datenbank.
message_noResultsFound_objects_by_owner	STRING(43): Dieser Anbieter hat 
zur Zeit keine Objekte.
message_access_denied_formal	STRING(97): Sie haben keinen Zugriff auf 
diesen Datensatz. Nur der Besitzer darf diesen Datensatz bearbeiten.
message_access_denied_informal	STRING(95): Du hast keinen Zugriff auf 
diesen Datensatz. Nur der Besitzer darf diesen Datensatz bearbeiten.
message_invalidImage_formal	STRING(251): Dieses Bild ist in unseren 
Datenbanken leider nicht verf�gbar. Bitte �berpr�fen Sie, ob die Adresse 
in der Adresszeile Ihres Browsers korrekt ist. Falls Sie einem Link zu 
dieser Seite gefolgt sind, ist der Link m�glicherweise fehlerhaft oder 
message_invalidImage_informal	STRING(246): Dieses Bild ist in unseren 
Datenbanken leider nicht verf�gbar. Bitte �berpr�fe, ob die Adresse in 
der Adresszeile deines Browsers korrekt ist. Falls du einem Link zu 
dieser Seite gefolgt bist, ist der Link m�glicherweise fehlerhaft oder 
message_please_login_formal	STRING(53): Bitte loggen Sie sich ein, um 
diese Seite anzuzeigen.
message_please_login_informal	STRING(48): Bitte logge dich ein, um diese 
Seite anzuzeigen.
message_no_objects_left	STRING(110): Sie k�nnen keine weiteren Objekte 
eintragen, da Sie bereits die maximale Anzahl an Objekten eingetragen haben.
label_salutation	STRING(9): Guten Tag
label_uid	STRING(12): Datenbank ID
label_user_text	STRING(20): hat folgende Anfrage
label_user_contact_information	STRING(12): Kontaktdaten
label_email_subject_specialized	STRING(18): Anfrage f�r Objekt
label_email_subject_general	STRING(18): Immobilien-Anfrage
label_contact_form_description_formal	STRING(54): Hier k�nnen Sie eine 
Nachricht an den Anbieter senden.
label_contact_form_description_informal	STRING(55): Hier kannst du eine 
Nachricht an den Anbieter schicken.
label_requested_object	STRING(23): Das betreffende Objekt:
label_requester_data_is_uneditable_formal	STRING(43): Wir benutzen hier 
die Daten Ihres Accounts.
label_requester_data_is_uneditable_informal	STRING(44): Wir benutzen 
hier die Daten deines Accounts.
label_your_name	STRING(4): Name
label_street	STRING(6): Stra�e
label_zip	STRING(3): PLZ
label_zip_and_city	STRING(13): PLZ und Stadt
label_your_email	STRING(14): E-Mail-Adresse
label_your_phone	STRING(13): Telefonnummer
label_your_request	STRING(7): Anfrage
label_submit	STRING(10): Abschicken
label_save	STRING(9): Speichern
label_save_and_close	STRING(23): Speichern und schlie�en
label_no_contact_person	STRING(99): Die Anfrage kann nicht gesendet 
werden, weil f�r dieses Objekt keine Kontaktperson angegeben wurde.
label_set_name_formal	STRING(51): Bitte geben Sie Ihren Namen ohne 
Sonderzeichen ein.
label_set_name_informal	STRING(46): Bitte gib deinen Namen ohne 
Sonderzeichen ein.
label_set_valid_email_address_formal	STRING(47): Bitte geben Sie eine 
g�ltige E-Mail-Adresse an.
label_set_valid_email_address_informal	STRING(41): Bitte gib eine 
g�ltige E-Mail-Adresse an.
label_no_empty_textarea	STRING(32): Bitte geben Sie Ihr Anliegen an.
label_thank_you_formal	STRING(23): Danke f�r Ihre Anfrage.
label_thank_you_informal	STRING(24): Danke f�r deine Anfrage.
label_message_sent_formal	STRING(30): Ihre Anfrage wurde verschickt.
label_message_sent_informal	STRING(32): Deine Anfrage wurde abgeschickt.
label_has_request	STRING(31): hat folgende Anfrage geschickt:
label_summary_string_of_favorites	STRING(42): Folgende Objekte waren auf 
dem Merkzettel:
label_sender_contact	STRING(31): Die Kontaktdaten des Absenders:
label_append_images	STRING(17): Bilder hinzuf�gen
label_edit	STRING(10): Bearbeiten
label_new_record	STRING(22): Neues Objekt erstellen
label_delete	STRING(7): L�schen
label_really_delete	STRING(46): M�chten Sie diesen Datensatz wirklich 
label_published	STRING(13): Ver�ffenticht
label_pending	STRING(10): Ausstehend
label_advertise	STRING(10): Inserieren
label_advertised	STRING(9): Inseriert
message_no_valid_number	STRING(37): Bitte geben Sie eine g�ltige Zahl an.
message_no_valid_price	STRING(40): Bitte geben Sie einen g�ltigen Preis an.
message_no_valid_year	STRING(57): Bitte geben Sie eine Jahreszahl in der 
Vergangenheit ein.
message_no_valid_longitude_degree	STRING(61): Bitte geben Sie einen 
g�ltigen L�ngengrad ein (-180 bis 180).
message_no_valid_latitude_degree	STRING(60): Bitte geben Sie einen 
g�ltigen Breitengrad ein (-90 bis 90).
message_object_number_exists	STRING(108): Die angegebene Objektnummer 
existiert bereits in der Datenbank. Bitte geben Sie eine andere 
Objektnummer an.
message_required_field	STRING(46): Bitte geben Sie einen Wert f�r dieses 
Feld an.
message_required_field_requesterZip	STRING(37): Bitte geben Sie Ihre 
Postleitzahl an.
message_required_field_requesterCity	STRING(33): Bitte geben Sie Ihren 
Wohnort an.
message_value_not_allowed	STRING(55): Der eingegebene Wert ist f�r 
dieses Feld nicht erlaubt.
message_enter_valid_non_empty_buying_price	STRING(80): Bitte geben Sie 
einen g�ltigen Preis an, weil Sie ein Objekt zum Kaufen anlegen.
message_enter_valid_or_empty_buying_price	STRING(73): Bitte geben Sie 
einen g�ltigen Preis an oder lassen Sie dieses Feld leer.
message_enter_valid_non_empty_rent	STRING(132): Bitte geben Sie einen 
g�ltigen Preis f�r <em>Nettojahresmiete</em> oder <em>Kaltmiete</em> an, 
da Sie ein Objekt zum Mieten anlegen.
message_enter_valid_or_empty_rent	STRING(127): Bitte geben Sie einen 
g�ltigen Preis f�r <em>Nettojahresmiete</em> oder <em>Kaltmiete</em> an 
oder lassen Sie dieses Feld leer.
message_either_new_or_existing_record	STRING(192): Ein neuer und ein 
existierender Datensatz k�nnen nicht f�r dasselbe Objekt gespeichert 
werden. Bitte w�hlen Sie entweder einen der existierenden Datens�tze 
oder geben Sie einen neuen Titel an.
label_new_city	STRING(17): Neuen Ort anlegen
label_new_district	STRING(22): Neuen Ortsteil anlegen
label_email_subject_fe_editor	STRING(47): Ein neues Immobilienobjekt 
wurde im FE angelegt
label_new_object_created	STRING(49): ein neues Objekt wurde zur 
Datenbank hinzugef�gt.
label_name	STRING(4): Name
label_username	STRING(12): Benutzername
label_image_upload	STRING(16): Bilder hochladen
label_image_list	STRING(25): Aktuell angeh�ngte Bilder
message_image_too_large	STRING(140): Das zum Hochladen gew�hlte Bild ist 
zu gro�. Bitte w�hlen Sie ein kleineres Bild oder skalieren Sie dieses 
Bild und versuchen Sie es erneut.
message_invalid_type	STRING(110): Der Typ des zum Hochladen gew�hlten 
Bildes is nicht erlaubt. Erlaubte Dateiendungen sind: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG.
message_empty_caption	STRING(41): Bitte geben Sie eine Bildunterschrift an.
label_offerings_by	STRING(12): Angebote von
message_no_such_owner	STRING(62): Der gew�hlte Anbieter existiert leider 
nicht in der Datenbank.
label_offerer_list	STRING(13): Anbieterliste
label_this_owners_objects	STRING(29): Alle Objekte dieses Anbieters
LLkey	STRING(2): de
LLtestPrefix	STRING(0)
LLtestPrefixAlt	STRING(0)
pi_isOnlyFields	STRING(12): mode,pointer
pi_alwaysPrev	INTEGER: 0
pi_lowerThan	INTEGER: 5
pi_moreParams	STRING(0)
pi_listFields	STRING(1): *
pi_autoCacheEn	INTEGER: 0
pi_checkCHash	BOOLEAN: FALSE
userFunc	STRING(19): tx_realty_pi1->main
isStaticTemplateLoaded	STRING(1): 1
templateFile	STRING(55): 
salutation	STRING(6): formal
currencyUnit	STRING(6): &euro;
numberOfDecimals	STRING(1): 2
dateFormat	STRING(8): %d.%m.%Y
listImageMaxX	STRING(2): 98
listImageMaxY	STRING(2): 98
singleImageMaxX	STRING(3): 137
singleImageMaxY	STRING(3): 137
galleryFullSizeImageX	STRING(3): 600
galleryFullSizeImageY	STRING(3): 600
galleryThumbnailX	STRING(3): 137
galleryThumbnailY	STRING(3): 137
imageUploadThumbnailWidth	STRING(3): 113
imageUploadThumbnailHeight	STRING(2): 75
fieldsInSingleViewTable	STRING(397): 
favoriteFieldsInSession	STRING(0)
galleryPopupWindowName	STRING(13): Detailansicht
galleryPopupParameters	STRING(109): 
galleryType	STRING(8): lightbox
requireLoginForSingleViewPage	STRING(0)
loginPID	STRING(2): 22
contactPID	STRING(2): 21
pages	STRING(0)
recursive	INTEGER: 0
staticSqlFilter	STRING(0)
displayedContactInformation	STRING(23): offerer_label,telephone
displayedContactInformationSpecial	STRING(23): offerer_label,telephone
groupsWithSpeciallyDisplayedContactInformation	STRING(0)
userGroupsForOffererList	STRING(0)
objectsByOwnerPID	STRING(0)
defaultContactEmail	STRING(19): o.rasche at make-ad.de
blindCarbonCopyAddress	STRING(0)
visibleContactFormFields	STRING(34): name,street,zip_and_city,telephone
requiredContactFormFields	STRING(4): name
showContactPageLink	STRING(0)
singleViewPartsToDisplay	STRING(118): 
checkboxesFilter	STRING(0)
orderBy	STRING(6): tstamp
sortCriteria	STRING(0)
displayedSearchWidgetFields	STRING(4): site
priceRangesForFilterForm	STRING(0)
filterTargetPID	STRING(2): 21
singlePID	STRING(2): 15
galleryPID	STRING(2): 17
favoritesPID	STRING(2): 16
editorPID	STRING(2): 19
imageUploadPID	STRING(2): 20
sysFolderForFeCreatedRecords	STRING(2): 14
sysFolderForFeCreatedAuxiliaryRecords	STRING(2): 11
feEditorRedirectPid	STRING(2): 18
feEditorNotifyEmail	STRING(0)
feEditorTemplateFile	STRING(44): 
showGoogleMaps	STRING(0)
googleMapsApiKey	STRING(0)
defaultCountryUID	STRING(2): 54
advertisementPID	STRING(0)
advertisementParameterForObjectUid	STRING(0)
advertisementExpirationInDays	STRING(0)
results_at_a_time	STRING(2): 10
maxPages	STRING(1): 5
descFlag	STRING(1): 1
width	STRING(3): 850
height	STRING(3): 800
resizable	STRING(3): yes
toolbar	STRING(2): no
location	STRING(2): no
directories	STRING(2): no
status	STRING(2): no
menubar	STRING(2): no
pidList	STRING(0)
pi_EPtemp_cObj	!NULL!
pi_tmpPageId	INTEGER: 0

1	STRING(81): 
Call -1: /typo3conf/ext/realty/pi1/class.tx_realty_frontEndForm.php:130 
| tx_realty_frontEndForm->makeFormCreator
With parameters: no parametersCall -2: 
/typo3conf/ext/realty/pi1/class.tx_realty_frontEndForm.php:146 | 
With parameters: no parametersCall -3: 
/typo3conf/ext/realty/pi1/class.tx_realty_frontEndEditor.php:97 | 
With parameters: no parametersrequire#76 // include#446 // 
TSpagegen::renderContent#77 // tslib_cObj->cObjGet#332 // 
tslib_cObj->cObjGetSingle#444 // tslib_cObj->TEMPLATE#578 // 
tslib_cObj->cObjGetSingle#2481 // tslib_cObj->CONTENT#529 // 
tslib_cObj->cObjGetSingle#1255 // tslib_cObj->cObjGetSingle#483 // 
tslib_cObj->CASEFUNC#550 // tslib_cObj->cObjGetSingle#1570 // 
tslib_cObj->COBJ_ARRAY#502 // tslib_cObj->cObjGet#686 // 
tslib_cObj->cObjGetSingle#444 // tslib_cObj->CASEFUNC#550 // 
tslib_cObj->cObjGetSingle#1570 // tslib_cObj->cObjGetSingle#483 // 
tslib_cObj->USER#572 // tslib_cObj->callUserFunction#724 // 
call_user_func_array#5866 // tx_realty_pi1->main# // 
tx_realty_pi1->getHtmlForCurrentView#191 // 
tx_realty_frontEndEditor->render#248 // 
tx_realty_frontEndForm->render#97 // 
tx_realty_frontEndForm->makeFormCreator#146 // 
tx_ameosformidable->init#130 // tx_ameosformidable->mayday#309

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