[TYPO3-project-realty] OpenImmo Import and phonenumber is missing

:mediasoft Markus Sölkner markus.soelkner at mediasoft.at
Tue Aug 18 16:28:09 CEST 2009

Hello group!

I hope, that this is the last problem i have with the realty manager 
extension. Everything works fine now, BUT in the XML file there are phone 
numbers which are not imported. I see them in the XML, but they are missing 
in the Database. Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be? This is 
the a part of the XML:
        <nutzungsart WOHNEN="true"/>
        <vermarktungsart KAUF="true"/>
          <grundstueck grundst_typ="WOHNEN"/>
        <land iso_land="AUT"/>
        <lage_gebiet gebiete="SIEDLUNG"/>
        <regionaler_zusatz>Knittelfeld Bezirk</regionaler_zusatz>
        <email_direkt>joerg at rathmanner.co.at</email_direkt>
        <tel_durchw>+43 676 96 76 888</tel_durchw>
        <tel_fax>+43 3515 200384</tel_fax>
        <tel_handy>+43 676 96 76 888</tel_handy>
        <name>Jörg Rathmanner</name>
        <firma>Immobilientreuhand Rathmanner</firma>
        <strasse>Lagunenweg 11</strasse>
        <ort>St. Margarethen</ort>
        <land iso_land="AUT"/>
for example the mail-address is inserted. If it is helpful i can send the 
whole XML.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Markus Sölkner
:mediasoft Kurz KG
Au 16
A-8783 Gaishorn am See
tel: 03617/2691-3
mobil: 0676/84 21 65 205
mail: markus.soelkner at mediasoft.at
web: www.mediasoft.at 

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