[TYPO3-project-realty] realty 0.1.2 and dual language

Oliver Klee typo3-german-02 at oliverklee.de
Thu Oct 2 23:23:31 CEST 2008


Buhre, Dr. Stephan schrieb:
> i am using the following components: T3 4.0.4. (hosted by
> all-inkl.com), simulatestatic=1 with realty 0.1.2 (oelib 0.2.5)

Currently, neither TYPO3 4.0.x nor oelib 0.2.x (or 0.3.x) nor realty
0.1.x are supported any more. To have the all bug fixes with these
products, I recommend using the latest versions.

> 1.) When I have switched to english and I choose some city with the
> city selector, the system switches to the default language. How can I
> let the cityselector transfer the L variable together with the city.

Have you set L as a linkVar like this?

config.linkVars = L


If this setting doesn't help and the problem still is reproducible with
realty 0.2.5, could you file a bug report at
<https://bugs.oliverklee.com/>? (You might also be interested in the
"bug-fix flatrate" support package as mentioned at

> 2.) As soon as I have translated an object, the cityselector shows
> the appropriate city twice.

Translating of realty-related records currently isn't officially
supported yet and is know to not work. If you're interested in
sponsoring this, please contact me via personal e-mail.

> 3.) Finally: when I have selected and object in from the list view
> and switch to the other language, it change the language correctly
> but it jumps back to the list view and one has to search for the
> object.

The UID of the current object on the single view page is set via the GET
parameter tx_realty_pi1[showUid]. This parameter needs to be retained in
you language switcher.

Best regards,


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