[TYPO3-project-realty] realty 0.1.2 and dual language

Buhre, Dr. Stephan buhre at uni-mainz.de
Wed Oct 1 15:00:12 CEST 2008

Hi everybody,

i am using the following components: T3 4.0.4. (hosted by all-inkl.com), simulatestatic=1
with realty 0.1.2 (oelib 0.2.5)

1.) When I have switched to english and I choose some city with the city selector, the system switches to the default language. How can I let the cityselector transfer the L variable together with the city.

2.) As soon as I have translated an object, the cityselector shows the appropriate city twice.

3.) Finally: when I have selected and object in from the list view and switch to the other language, it change the language correctly but it jumps back to the list view and one has to search for the object.

Has anybody gone through the same trouble.
I appreciate any hint.

Thanks a lot in advance


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