[TYPO3-project-realty] Googlemaps integration for realty

Alexander Grein info at mediaessenz.eu
Wed May 7 19:46:21 CEST 2008


I am currently work on a googlemaps integration for the realty-extension.
To realize this, because i'm not a realy good programmer, i made a copy of
the existing extension wec_map and modified it a little bit.
Now i have problems to join the two extensions.

What the realty__googlemaps extension (not currently in the repository)
actualy can do?

1. take the address-datas from the tx_realty_objects table, make a
geo-lookup and put the result (long/lat) together with a hash-code
(generated out of some address-datas) into a cache-table
2. like the original extension wec_maps it has 2 backend-moduls one for the
administration of the cache-table and one for showing a overview-map of all
3. a map will also be shown in the realty-objects-contentelement in the
4. It is also possible to generate a map in the frontend by giving the pid
of the sysfolder where a object is stored (e.g.
plugin.tx_realty__googlemaps_pi3.pid = 79)

Now i want to bring the things together like this:

On the Detailview take the Uid of the object (e.g.
?tx_realty_pi1[showUid]=1) and get the corresponding pid (e.g. 79) and put
them into plugin.tx_realty__googlemaps_pi3.pid

How can i do this?

Kind regards


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